The contents of /Library/System%20Info/ at 07/27/24 14:16:43

name size modified
First Things First.txt 3 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:38 AM
BBS Courtesy.txt 3 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:38 AM
Explains the common courtesies expected when using a BBS
BBS Etiquette.txt 6 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:39 AM
Conference Adviser Info.txt 6 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:42 AM
Donations.txt 3 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:13 PM
Hey! Send me a dollar or two!
File Search Engine Info.txt 4 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:42 AM
Headgap Info.txt 5 Kb Dec 06, 2006 12:04 PM
Headgap BBS Stats
Netiquette.txt 3 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:36 AM
Read B4 Uploading.txt 6 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:15 PM
Guidelines for sending files to the system. When you comply with this it makes me happy.
Usenet READ ME.txt 10 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:16 PM
What the heck is Usenet? Newsgroups. They appear as conferences on the system and are linked to the internet so you get worldwide distribution.
User Logon Info.txt 2 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:17 PM
New BBS feature lets you get notified when someone logs on or friends log on. Also explains how to set up a profile.
Welcome to UseNet.txt 4 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:36 AM
- New User Info.txt 3 Kb Jan 31, 2000 02:27 PM
A welcome to all sysops.
28.8k ModemTroubleshooting.txt 7 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:36 AM
64x64 Icons.gif 27 Kb May 16, 2000 01:33 PM
Address Book.txt 2 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:36 AM
Archive Files Help.txt 4 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:34 AM
ASTEC BBS V.90 rep.txt 8 Kb Jan 11, 1999 05:56 PM
Basic Modem Commands.txt 3 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:34 AM
By Thumbnail View.txt 2 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:35 AM
Compressed Files.txt 3 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:17 PM
Frank discussion about file compression.
Disabling Call Waiting.txt 2 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:18 PM
Tells you how to disable call waiting. If you have this feature and get knocked offline it is someone calling you.
Downloading files.txt 12 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:21 PM
Detailed instructions on how to get programs from my system or any other Telefinder type system.
E-mail Disclaimer.txt 5 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:23 PM
Email really isn't private. Read this to help you understand more about Email
E-mail.txt 6 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:23 PM
Detailed instructions on using this system Email.
Electronic mail.txt 16 Kb Nov 04, 1996 01:18 PM
Eudora Config.gif 21 Kb Jul 20, 1996 09:26 PM
File Attachments.txt 2 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:32 AM
File Basket.txt 2 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:24 PM
Pretend you are shopping for program files. Instructions on how to use the file basket feature.
File Transfers.txt 10 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:31 AM
Filter Domains.config 4 Kb Sep 16, 1997 09:48 AM
I presently filter out the domains included on this list on Headgap Email. Most of the domains listed are frequent spammers. If there is a domain that you like to receive mail from on this list let me know and I will consider removing it. I hate censorship but I hate spam worse.
Flow Control & Transfers.txt 8 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:31 AM
Font Styles & Colors.txt 3 Kb Nov 04, 1996 01:18 PM
FREECASH.txt 3 Kb Jun 10, 1999 05:15 PM
Free_Web_Page.txt 3 Kb Mar 02, 1998 01:54 PM
Quick instructions on using your personal web space on this system.
HDSWebMailDocs.txt 3 Kb Oct 01, 1997 11:24 AM
Headgap BBS FAQ.txt 13 Kb Jun 01, 1997 02:58 PM
HeadgapMail.pm5 38 Kb Jan 27, 1997 10:10 PM
headgapwebsrv.pm6 75 Kb Jan 29, 1997 07:58 AM
High Speed Modems.txt 9 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:30 AM
HTML Tutorial.txt 26 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:30 AM
MessageClosing.txt 2 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:30 AM
Create a file like this for your own personalized signature and place it in the same folder as TelefinderUser..It will automatically be addes to e-mail and message forums for you..The file MUST be named "MessageClosing.txt"
Modem Kbytes-Minute.GIF 6 Kb Nov 04, 1996 01:18 PM
NEWXFRLOG.GIF 17 Kb Mar 13, 1998 04:42 PM
New Transfer Log image showing progress graphic bars.
Profile.txt 1 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:25 PM
How to set up your profile.
Protocol & Etiquette.txt 13 Kb Feb 13, 1997 10:53 AM
Receiving Files.txt 2 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:28 AM
Serving_Multi_Domains.txt 4 Kb Sep 06, 1998 04:56 PM
Session Time.txt 2 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:28 AM
Set Up Mail Forwarding.txt 2 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:25 PM
How to set up automatic mail forwarding.
SlowTransferRates.txt 3 Kb Jul 15, 1998 09:15 AM
Spider Island Notes - Aug 21, 1998 10:04 AM
SpiderChats - Sep 29, 2002 06:33 PM
SpiderVideoChat - Sep 02, 1997 05:01 PM
TFBBSNetList.txt 6 Kb Jan 31, 2000 02:26 PM
TFBBSNetList9-2.txt 4 Kb Feb 20, 1999 08:53 PM
TFEmailCGI.txt 3 Kb Sep 02, 1997 12:35 PM
TFNews519.txt 10 Kb May 18, 2000 03:07 PM
TFNews8-30-01.txt 4 Kb Aug 30, 2001 04:03 PM
Top Uploaders.txt 1 Kb Sep 04, 1997 07:37 AM
Trouble Shooting.txt 3 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:24 AM
User Stats .txt 1 Kb Sep 04, 1997 07:37 AM
Viewing Graphics.txt 2 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:26 PM
Did you know you can view graphics online with this system? This tells you what filetypes are compatible.
WEBHOST.txt 5 Kb Jun 10, 1999 05:15 PM
WEBSPEC.txt 3 Kb Jun 10, 1999 05:15 PM
Why do I get disconnected.txt 2 Kb Sep 04, 1997 04:27 PM
Common reasons why you get disconnected.
Why Web Pages.txt 2 Kb Sep 04, 1997 08:40 AM
Wrong Modem Settings?.gif 11 Kb Mar 13, 1998 10:18 AM
