Trouble Shooting Problem: CanÕt talk to the modem. Things to check: Make sure the modem cable is connected to the port selected in the Modem Preferences. If the SD light on the modem (Send Data) does not blink you probably have a cable problem. Try typing ATH then hit Return; if the modem responds with OK on the next line, then you are talking to the modem. Problem: You get the message ÒNO DIAL TONEÓ when trying to dial. Possible causes: The modem is not connected to a phone line. Someone else is using the phone. Your dial tone doesnÕt sound like what your modem is expecting. Try ATX0 (thatÕs a zero) to tell the modem to not check for a dial tone. Problem: During an XModem or YModem transfer, it keeps getting errors after 2176 or 17408 bytes. Possible cause: something in the data path (like a terminal server) is not passing on the XON or XOFF character. For X/YModem, all characters must be passed through. See if the terminal server has a binary mode. Problem: During a ZModem transfer, lots of errors occur after the first few blocks. Possible cause: a flow control problem with one of the machines. Try setting a window limit to see if that helps. If you are sending, go to the ZModem Options and put 2048 in for the Window Limit. If you are receiving from a Unix system (using sz), try the command Òsz -w 2048 Ó. Problem: Modem hangs up during a download or when receiving lots of text. Fix: If you are using hardware handshaking, you need to configure your modem to ignore the DTR line. On most modems, the command is AT&D0 (that's a zero). MNP connect problems - try AT&Q0 to disable compression and error control Problem: When connected to a PC based BBS, a box is made up of regular characters instead of line drawing characters. Fix: Make sure PC-ANSI emulation is selected and make sure the Strip Hi Bits option is not checked.