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Operator Headgap Web Server and BBS

Headgap sales and support for TeleFinder the best Mac Web Server and BBS

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Operator Headgap Systems, Inc. comes to you from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. We ship all over the United States and Canada. We have great values on used, tested, clean Apple Macintosh Hardware and new and used accessories! New products added frequently!

Solid State Drives for Your G4!

Cheryn tells me we are having trouble finding 80 or 120GB refurbished hard drives for our older Mac customers. There haven't been new ones available for years. We know you depend on us to help keep your old gear running efficiently. These brand new digital solid state drives have no moving parts making them not only faster but more reliable. We still think you should keep your system backed up but running from these super fast brand new drives only make sense. We haven't carried SSD drives much before but we think now that the prices are more affordable now is the time. We found the right kind of adapter that allows you to configure it for Master, Slave or Cable Select depending on your needs. That makes these more compatible and easily configurable with an included jumper. We can set these up for your system or you can use copy software to move your old data. Let us know how we can help speed up your G4 system. I tested these on our servers so you know they are fast and dependable.

Solid State 120GB Drive Kit - G4

Speed up your G4 • Faster Data Access • No Moving Parts

Operator Headgap tested and approved! Improve Performance! Now more affordable you can move up to the latest technology on your G4 and still run OSX or OS9.2.2 and boot from either. This 2.5" SSD comes with an adapter that features the ability to be set to Master, Slave or Cable Select for maximum compatibility. The 120GB Size is the largest size most G4 can run. FASTER DATA ACCESS! This speeds up almost everything you do on your Mac! More reliable than the old conventional drives, no moving parts, no noise. We include velcro so it is simple to mount anywhere that is convenient. WORKS in ALL G4 Macs and connect to a standard IDE connector. We preformat these and can preinstall call for custom configuration. Reg.$119.77, SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE $99.77 includes domestic shipping. See the G4 Category in the online store.

Boot 9 or X

We finally found a reliable SCSI solution!

2 GB
2 GB Digital 50 Pin SCSI Drive!
$159.77 shipped!

Solid State Speed

Digital 50 Pin SCSI Hard Drive

No more SCSI drive problems! No moving parts, no noise, FAST loading!

BRAND NEW! 50 pin Digital 2 Gigabyte SCSI Hard Drive for use in all Mac systems that use a standard 50 pin SCSI Hard Drive. These drives have no internal moving parts, no mechanicals to fail or wear UltraSCSI-3 units. Replace the old noisy and soon to fail mechanical hard drive. These units are like having all your system information in memory so everything loads FAST. They come on a plastic drive tray that makes them easy to adapt and include the screws. We format them for the OS versions you plan to run. Simply mount on the drive tray, plug in the power and SCSI cable. Boot your system and install your software. Our Price $159.77 including domestic shipping. See the INTDRIVESCSI section.

Replace that old dying 2.5" IDE Drive with Solid State!

120 GB
Solid State Drives for iBook and PowerBook

Solid State Speed

Solid State 120 GB Drive Kit
for iBook, PowerBook
, Early Mini's

No moving parts, no noise, FAST loading!

BRAND NEW! Operator Headgap tested and approved. Improve Performance! Now more affordable you can move up to the latest technology on your iBook or PowerBook and still run OSX or OS9.2.2 and boot from either. We build this 120 GB 2.5" SSD, it fits perfectly. This speeds up almost everything you do on your Mac! More reliable than the old conventional drives, no moving parts, no noise. WORKS in ALL iBook or PowerBook Macs and Early Mac Mini's and connect to the standard IDE connector. We preformat these and can preinstall call for custom configuration. Regularly $119.77 OUR $99.77 introductory price includes domestic shipping. See the INTDRIVESIDE section.

Upgrade your G4, G5 or MacPro Tower DVD Drive Today! These are bootable drives.

Many of you know that the day would come when no more IDE DVD drives would be available. We fretted over this but did manage to find a good adapter allowing us to use the SATA versions of the drives. We found a FASTER Optiarc SuperDrive and bought a large quantity. They are even faster in the DVD Burning at 24X and CD Burning department at 48X. We are offering a special introductory low price!

Mac compatible 24X Dual Layer SupeDrive for your PowerMac
EZ Pictured Instructions Included
High Sierra Tested
New Optiarc SuperDrive

Burn DVD's and CD's! Tested in OS9.1 up through 10.13 High Sierra! New model supports DVD burns at up to 24X! Dual layer support. These make great replacements for Macintosh G4 Towers Yikes through Mirror Doors, G5 Towers, G4 iMacs, and even eMacs! At $64.77 you can't go wrong. We include pictured instructions, Toast Lite CD burning software and patches to make it OS9 and X compatible. Close to twice the capacity (Dual Layer Capable)! Apple Bootable allows you to boot from emergency disks and any Apple install disks etc. Only Headgap offers compatibility patches and complete pictured instructions. Toast Lite Burning Software, You must supply your own version of Toast for Lion and above. Our $64.77 includes domestic shipping. See the DVD,CD,CDRW section.

Call Toll Free 1-877-639-1543 10-3 CST M-F or order securely online

Why use reconditioned equipment? Read more. Need help with your hardware? Read Bob's Mac Tech Tips.

New lower prices on popular laptop batteries! - Used Macs, New and Used Apple Macintosh Accessories

Visit the Operator Headgap Secure Online Store! We stock used Mac computers, new Mac batteries, and new and used Mac accessories. Buy used and upgraded Apple Macintosh Computers here. Don't see what you want here? Products in stock and ready to ship! Our prices include domestic shipping! Need help with your Mac? Read Bob's Mac Tech Tips.

Free Support!

Operator Headgap's Web Based & Client connected BBS and TeleFinder Server provides FREE support for Mac, Amiga, Commodore 64 & 128 Computers! Online over 35 years (since 1986!) Updated Members only Download Area! Other system feature include a huge information library, and an easy to use message bases. Preview how the bbs appears with the graphic client. Go to the web bbs page.

Join This Free System! Register for full access! is now on a Digital Audio G4 Tower with a Fast Mac Processor running 1.467 Ghz running Tiger Server Software. We just Headgap's main TeleFinder Server and it is now running a Yikes G4 Tower running a Sonnet G4 500 mhz Processor, Gigabit Ethernet, 512 MB Ram and 160 Gigabytes of available storage! Our FileMaker Database Ecommerce Server is now on a PowerMac G4 Digital Audio running a FastMac 1.467 GHZ processor. We have just upgrade our additional FileMaker Database Ecommerce Server running on a PowerMac G4 Digital Audio with a 1.467 Ghz Processor. Read more about Headgap system features (clickme). All of our servers are connected via Gigabit Ethernet In June 2020, we were able to upgrade and are now offering our services at a higher rate of speed. We are now at 100+ MBPS down and 20+ MBPS up via business in OKC, OK. Much thanks to who still handle our DNS and mail. They are without a doubt the best service provider in Memphis, Tennessee!

Online @ Operator Headgap

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TeleFinder the Best Mac OS Web Server! Runs only on older hardware. You too can run a MacOS based Web Server and BBS. A low cost hobby license is available. provides full support for anyone using TeleFinder and associated products. The TeleFinder Mac client runs under OSX in classic mode over TCP/IP. Telefinder PC User runs on XP and later. Telefinder Client works well with Sheep Shaver and I use it regularly on my late model Mini running Mavericks.

Download the TeleFinder Client Software Now!
Download TF User 5.7.2 Now!
Mac Users
Download TF User PC v4.11
PC Users

Welcome Business Customers!

  • - Unique Beverage Koozie. Put your hand in the coolest beverage holder-The Fan Can Hand! Show your team spirit while keeping your beverage cool. This lightweight fist not only looks great, but is designed to hold beverages in the top of the fist. The durable foam design will keep your beverage cool without getting your hand cold. Order online securely!
  • HOSTING! - A Business Web Site Doesn't Have To Be Expensive To Be GOOD! Affordable E-Commerce Solutions Now Available!Memphis Amiga Group (MAG) While no longer active this is a nicely done archive of the history, newsletters, diskmags & more. MCUC (Memphis Commodore Users Club) newsletters are now online as well.
  • - information and sales of PowerMac G5 systems and accessories.
  • - information and sales of jumpers commonly used on hard drives, and overclocking Mac G3 systems.
  • AppleCore of Memphis - is no longer active. You can visit the old website from this link.

    Complex Industries, & Store!,, to our business, organization and member sites area. Please mention you saw their web site whenever you patronize them.

    HOSTING! - A Business Web Site Doesn't Have To Be Expensive To Be GOOD! Affordable E-Commerce Solutions Now Available! We do this for a living. Let us help you get traffic to your web site. Let's face it having the best looking web site in the world is worth nothing if no one can find it. We not only design and host top quality sites we help market your site.

    Business Web Sites, E-Commerce & Internet E-mail. want to get your business on the web affordably? Click Here to read about our Web Site Special! Visit for the BEST Memphis Web Sites and get your Memphis site listed free!

    Looking to improve your site traffic? I wrote a regular column for a local magazine WWW.DOT called Nunn Such. Read my old somewhat dated articles from the dated Press Release pages. While the material is a dated, the application of the concepts still apply.

    In June 2020 we were able to upgrade and are now offering our services at a higher rate of speed. We are now at 100+ MBPS down and 20+MBPS up via business in OKC, OK. Much thanks to who still handle our DNS and mail. They are without a doubt the best service provider in Memphis, Tennessee.

    Oklahoma City Oklahoma, USA -- sysop: Bob Nunn • Support Mac, Amiga, 64 & 128 -- FREE, donations appreciated!

    Having trouble? mail the sysop of this TeleFinder Web Server and BBS Having trouble? Click the mailbox to send a message to the sysop



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This page was last modified on: Thu, January 07, 2021 05:16 PM

In compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Operator Headgap Systems, Inc. Owner, Bob Nunn, is the agent to receive notification of claimed infringement from a copyright owner. Apple, Apple Macintosh, Macintosh, Mac, MacOS, Mac Pro, Power Macintosh, iMac, iTunes, Disc Burner, iPod, Quadra, Centris, Performa, FireWire, LaserWriter, StyleWriter, Finder, SuperDrive, Aiport, Airport Extreme, iChat, iSight, Safari, Big Sur, Catalina, Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion, Snow Leopard, Leopard, Tiger, Panther, Jaguar, Spotlight, Xcode and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other trademarks are properties of their prospective owners.