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Operator Headgap Web Server and BBS

Welcome Commodore Users!

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64 Basic V2 Main Screen

Operator Headgap BBS originally started on a Commodore 64 with 2 -1541 drives and a 300 baud modem using 6485 BBS Software over 33 years ago!. I progressed through Ivory BBS, CBASE 128, and owned one of the first Creative Micro Design's Ram Links and Hard Drives. I am a big Jiffy Dos fan. CMD still actively supported the Commodore 64 & 128 systems but is now defunct.

Something of interest is the archive of the Memphis Commodore Users Club. Now defunct MCUC was a large and very active Commodore User Group here in Memphis. Review the old newsletters.

Try my Commodore emulator links list to find an emulator to run programs on your Mac, DOS, Windows 95, Unix, Amiga, or BEOS system.


Commodore 64 & 128 Collection CD

Would you like to buy Headgap's entire Commodore collection on ISO9660 CD including emulators for the Mac, Amiga, & PC. Visit the Headgap Secure Online Store!

FREE REGISTRATION HERE - You will need to log on to certain sections of the BBS. It will use your regular system name and password if you are already a member. If you aren't a member of this FREE BBS (donations needed & appreciated!) system and wish to join, please go to the registration page first to sign up for an account.



C64-128 Download Files


This area contains shareware and freeware for the Commodore 64 &128 Computers. Some of the directories have lots of entries so you must be patient if you are on a slow link. You must login to access this area. Don't see what you need. Try some of the other Commodore web links for downloads.



The Library contains information files about Operator Headgap BBS and all sorts of other text based information. See System Info for detailed instructions on features available from this system. Select and open these file to read the contents. This area is open to the public. You do not need to login to access this area.

Local Conferences


Local Conferences contain discussion areas for 64/128 Users. You must login to access this area.

Usenet Conferences


Usenet Conferences contain discussion areas for 64/128 Users and is shared over the internet worldwide! You must login to access this area.



This area contains my Photo & Image Gallery which includes: GIF, Converted Koala's, JPEG, PICT, HAM8, Web Graphics & Animations, and other assorted graphic formats. Unique on the fly preview provided by a special beta web server plug-in from Highlander. You will need to appropriate viewer to use the files for your system. Some filetypes are not viewable for Commodores due to size and OS. Due to increased traffic you must now login to access this area.

mailbox Having trouble? Click the mailbox to send a message to the sysop.

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