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Operator Headgap Web Server and BBS

Free Personal Web Sites

Free personal web site, no gimmicks! No Banners! Operator Headgap's Personal Web Sites feature lets me designate specific users of the BBS that may setup and maintain their own web-site. Personal Web Sites are very useful for Schools, User Groups, Small Business, Intranet websites and anywhere you want distributed administration of various web sites served by a single computer. Perhaps all you want to do is put up a small website or just learn more about how html works.

The contents of Personal Web Sites are separate from Headgap's main web site so that there is no possibility of one interfering with the other. Personal Web Sites may include HTML, Graphics, and Active Pages using TeleFinder's Extended SSI (SPML). Personal Web Sites may also contain links to CGI's or Plug-ins that the sysop has installed, but users may not install their own CGI's or Plug-ins. This helps you insure the integrity of your web site.

Creating a Personal Web Site (short version)

My system does not use FTP for uploading your web site. Because of that you have to use the TeleFinder client to upload your files. It is actually easier and safer once you learn to use the client.

Step One - download the appropriate client software from (I recommend using Netscape). Install that software and use the open transport or tcp-ip connection. The address is

After almost 20 years of having dialup access we are now discontinuing this feature. Unfortunately the $25 a month it costs to leave this access line for the few people who were using it simply could not be justified. Web access only guys.

Step Two - register and send me an email with your login name so that I can add a web space folder to your mail box.

Step Three - build your web site using whatever html software that you like. Make your main page and name it homepage.htm and use it for your index page.

Step Four - upload your web site and graphics to your web space folder.

Step Five - view your page it will be

Step Six - use my page to list your page with the search engines. You may want to read about meta-tags and their uses since it will improve your listings with the search engines.

Once you have your site up, if you ask I can easily add counters etc. and will do that free of charge.

In the Mac/TeleFinder Tools/TF Sysop Utils/TF-SPML Templates area I have a lot of templates showing the uses of spml commands (while this is a mac area these templates workon any platform and any TeleFinder Server). You can use these to spice up your web site and do things that normally require special cgi scripting and programming on other web servers.

If you are looking for graphics and other materials see my graphics download areas on the web bbs, or try my Web Contents Page for more places to get graphics, backgrounds and other materials.

Last resort - my wife does this commercially as do I. She can help you get established if you are in business and even set up an ecommerce site for you. We can also host your domain and help you get it set up. You can reach her at: or call 1-901-759-1543 9-6 Mon-Fri.

Creating a Personal Web Site (more details)

First, I have to create a BBS User Account that is "Web Enabled" or turn on the "Allow Web Space" privilege for an existing user. Send me an email and I will get you set up.

In the User Manager program, I will select the "Edit User" command to open the User Update dialog. Then they will turn on the "Allow Web Space" privilege.

Once your account is web enabled you'll see a folder called "Web Space" in that account's "Personal Folder." The Personal Folder is the one with the mailbox icon on the BBS desktop.

Your "Web Space" folder looks like this when viewed online using TeleFinder.

free homepage and web space on operator headgap systems

This is the appearance of the Personal Folder when logged into Operator Headgap BBS, except your name will appear in place of burt.

Authoring a Personal Web Site

As in Headgap's main site, the first page to create is your homepage. You may name this file "homepage.html," or "homepage.htm." If you want to create an Active Page using TeleFinder's Extended SSI, name the page "homepage.spml," or "homepage.spm."

You can use any authoring tool to create your pages, then use TeleFinder to upload the finished documents into the Web Space folder. When necessary, you can use TeleFinder to create new folders, move and delete files and folders within the Web Space folder.

Formatting Links in your Pages

As far as Web Browsers are concerned, each Personal Web site is a subdirectory of the server's root folder. This means that you need to pay special attention to the notation you use in your image and page links. The link format you use needs to follow these rules:

To access your own graphics

Use the IMG SRC tag with a relative path name. src="pics/mypicture.gif">. This image tag will link the file "mypicture.gif" from a folder called "pics" in the same folder as the page being served.

Or use the IMG SRC tag with an absolute path name including your Personal site location. src="/~your_name/pics/mypicture.gif">.

Relative tags are added to the location of the current page. This means that the browser will create a request based on the location of the page being viewed. Absolute tags are added to the domain name of the computer serving the request. That means that the browser will ask for the file relative to the root level on the serving computers.

Double slashes ( '//' ) are not permitted by TeleFinder. The double slash notation is a UNIX method of accessing files within a folders parent directory. Suppressing this ability adds to TeleFinder's overall security.

Accessing your Personal Web Site

Point your browser at <>. If your logon name contains spaces, you'll need to replace them with an underscore '_' when entering the URL into links or a browser. The slash ('/' ) following your name is necessary to indicated that the request is for a directory index page ( homepage.html ) instead of an actual file.

Prior to uploading, you can preview your pages using Netscape's "Open File" command.

The URL for my home page is <>.

Sample Personal Web Sites

Selected Headgap served pages...

To view more Headgap web sites view my New Links Page! which includes Headgap hosted business, organizations, and member sites, searches and more!

Once finished you will want to add your site to search engines, so other can find your site. Use Headgap's Free Add URL Link Page.

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TeleFinder the faster mac web server and bbs
TeleFinder for mac os9 compatibleJanuary 17, 1997 -- ©Copyright 1997, Spider Island Software