In January 2013, we were able to upgrade and are now offering our services at a higher rate of speed. We are now at 20+ MBPS down and 6+MBPS up via Cox.net business in OKC, OK. Much thanks to WorldSpice.net who still handle our DNS and mail. They are without a doubt the best service provider in Memphis, Tennessee. |
Make all checks or money orders out to Operator Headgap Systems.
Operator Headgap BBS will now accept donations. Don't get excited, this is still a FREE system! Please remember though that the Internet e-mail access you have and the Free Web Space does cost me money both in equipment and access expenses. I also maintain an extensive Mac, Amiga & C64/128 Software Library.
If you like and use these resources, please send me a few dollars! You should know that I use whatever additional funds I raise to buy new equipment to make your access even better. I have added high speed net access thanks to some of your efforts, along with a remote graphics server, but the monthly expenses are high, so please continue to contribute.
I will continue to put the equipment online as long as I have people who use the system. That means you pay nothing other than your participation to use the system as always.
This BBS uses a credit system. The more you participate by uploading and posting messages the more access you receive. Some of you also assist with system maintenance and receive special access privileges. With the advent of CD's that store gigabytes of data, many of you are having more difficulties in finding fresh materials to upload. This is especially tough on the new users. After numerous requests, I am now offering a different way for many of you to participate.
If you wish, you can now participate by sending in a donation. I have refused offers in the past. I will now accept donations. Any amount is fine, $1, $2, $5 or $10 (I don't expect or even want more than a maximum of $20 from any one user). I make no commitments or promises or otherwise obligate myself or any members of this system. You are NOT buying access to additional programs or software. You still have to earn your level access by system participation!
This is VOLUNTARY. I run this system because I like to. You can still participate as you always have. Please keep on, I need your help in keeping fresh materials up for all users.
Your donations will help me progress!
Stick some money in an envelope now and send your donations to:
Make sure you include your name and handle. Make all checks or money orders out to Operator Headgap Systems.
This page was last updated: Tue, December 10, 2019 08:12 PM