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From: owner-evangelist-digest@public.
To: evangelist-digest@public.lists.
Subject: EvangeList Digest V1 #1263
Date:Sun, September 06, 1998 06:59 PM

EvangeList Digest Thursday, August 27 1998 Volume 01 : Number 1263

In this issue:

Tidbit - Insanely Great Mac Reviews the iMac
PR - Proteron Prepares For Allegro With GoMac 1.5v2
Tidbit - iMac Launch Report
!! - iMac Demo Day invitation for Evangelistas
PR - Macintosh Classified Ads Site
Re: one click too many -- $$ - OneClick Reposting, and reposting and reposting
Tidbit - New Big Mac On Campus Articles
Tidbit - I've Converted To Windows
PR - UK Mac Games Retailer
PR - Mac Only Editor That Really Knows Java 1.1
$$ - Special Offer On SuperCard
Tidbit - Apple Media Arts Great iMac Issue Now On the Internet
Job - Mac Technical Support and Assistant (New York, NY)

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Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 12:12:08 -0800
From: John Halbig <>
Subject: Tidbit - Insanely Great Mac Reviews the iMac

This tidbit is from:

Michael D Flaminio, <>

Insanely Great Mac has posted its review of Apple's new iMac. The review
looks at the iMac and its lesser known qualities while addressing
concerns about the machine's equipment. Plenty has been said about the
iMac recently -- both good and bad. We ran the machine through its paces
and reported on what we found.



Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 12:12:03 -0800
From: John Halbig <>
Subject: PR - Proteron Prepares For Allegro With GoMac 1.5v2

This announcement is from:

Mathew Caughron, <>

Proteron, L.L.C. today anounced an update to its widely used utility
GoMac. Released shortly after Conflict Catcher 8 from Casady & Greene,
GoMac 1.5v2 adds support for the popular extensions manager and prepares
for Apple's forthcoming release of Allegro. It also includes numorous
minor fixes which are detailed on the company's web site.

Further details are available at the Proteron web site

Proteron's early release of GoMac for Allegro marks the companies
committment to ensuring that the stability and functionality of the
program bar and start menu in GoMac remain a fully-supported feature of
the Mac OS for the next few years.

Version 1.5v2 is highly recommended for all current users and is, of
course, a free update. It can be downloaded immediately from the Proteron
web site at <>.

Improvements also are currently in development on several of Proteron's
other products and will be announced at the Proteron web site when they
become available.


Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 12:12:10 -0800
From: John Halbig <>
Subject: Tidbit - iMac Launch Report

This tidbit is from:

LiLy, <>

I was at Creative Computers in Santa Monica, CA Saturday morning to check
out the iMac. The parking lot was full, and there was an iMac banner
displayed at the front of the store. Inside the store, two iMac were in
display, and two friendly Apple respresentatives were there to answer any
questions. AND, over a hundred iMacs stacked high. About half had tags on
them (pre-orders), but I couldn't believe there were so many in stock. I
found out that this was due to a shipping error, but to our benefit.
Creative Computers expected a shipment of 100, but they received another
100 which was supposed to be somewhere in Memphis. I was there for about
an hour, and during that time, people kept coming in to gather around the
iMac demo. Kids were playing Nanosour, and having a ball! The Apple reps
told me that the store opened at midnight last night (wish I knew, I'd
have been there), and there were people waiting in line when they opened
the door. They said up to 100 people showed up for the midnight launch,
and the TV crew from the news was filming it all.

I had ordered an iMac for my 16 year-old niece for her birthday from
ComputerTown, but seeing stacks of iMac being tagged left and right gave
me a sense of panic. It's just too cute, the display and sound amazingly
good, and an uncluttering all-in-one that runs smoothly. That's when the
salesman slyly slithered up to me and said, "Would you like to take one
with you ... right now?". Before I could catch myself, he seized me at a
weak moment with an offer I couldn't refuse. The next thing I realized, a
salesman was helping me load one in my car. I then realized I had just
gotten an iMac for myself, and the last thing I needed was another
computer (I have a G3/300 and PowerBook 2400 already).

Next stop - CompUSA in Culver City. No banners or posters outside. Aside
from some blue and white balloons in the Apple section, you couldn't tell
anything was going on. There were two representatives from Apple and one
iMac on display, and about ten people gathering around the demo. When I
asked if they had any iMacs in stock, they said every single one was sold
as of that morning!!!

I then went straight to see my niece with an iMac from Creative
Computers. She'd cleaned the top of her desk two weeks ago (a miracle
considering how often she cleans up her room),and had kept on pestering
me when her iMac was coming. Once there, we had it set up and surfing the
web in six minutes flat, but we did have three dogs -Aik (German
Shepherd), and Kyubei (Shiba Inu) in addition to "Brodie deadringer"
Crystal (Border Collie) to help us out. My niece was so happy, and was
pondering what to name her new iMac friend when I left.

As to myself... what in the world am I going to do with another
computer!? (Alas, it's not just another computer, it's an iMac!)

Digital Guy Sez:

That's why I won't go see it. I simply can't justify it...I mean, even if
it is adorable...

Yeah, I know... "Resistance is futile." :-)


Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 18:51:14 -0700
From: Guy Kawasaki <>
Subject: !! - iMac Demo Day invitation for Evangelistas

iMac Demo Day

Virtually everyone who touches a computer in this country--maybe the
world--has heard about the Evangelistas. They know you really know your
stuff. And they know how passionate you are about Macintosh.

Apple would like to harness your passion, enthusiasm, and knowledge. This
weekend Apple would like you to volunteer a little of your time to help
us demonstrate iMac at participating retail locations around the US. We
need you to answer customer questions about iMac and explain what makes
iMac such a revolutionary consumer product.

If you can, please visit the following web site and sign up:



Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 21:53:09 -0700
From: Guy Kawasaki <>
Subject: PR - Macintosh Classified Ads Site

This announcement is from:

Paul Hughes, <>

I would just like to inform you of a new web site which I have recently
launched online. It's a Mac Classifieds site that is different from the
others. it includes daily updates, simple forms to add and remove items
and much much more. Please next time you go online visit us at



Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 09:00:57 -0700
From: Guy Kawasaki <>
Subject: Re: one click too many -- $$ - OneClick Reposting, and reposting and reposting

>How many times must EvangeListas read the same spam (yes, SPAM!) pushing
>the same few products. This is not news, this is not a new hot tip, this is
>not a special offer the likes of which we'll never see again, this is
>annoying. Damn annoying. Do you guys get special perks every time you run
>commercials for your pet products (OneClick, Debt Wizard, etc.--you know
>which ones) or what? Please stop spamming EvangeListas, as it's quickly
>souring my perception of Apple and the Mac.


It's my call, not John. I realize I'm on or over the edge with OneClick.
Here's why:

- - This is a pure Macintosh company. True believers. Trying to slug it
out. I'll do almost anything for such a company.

- - I admire their chutzpah in asking me to post every 3 months or so.

But I hear you.




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Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 11:53:23 -0800
From: John Halbig <>
Subject: Tidbit - New Big Mac On Campus Articles

This tidbit is from:

Brian J. Matis, <>

Think the bleak totalitarianist world George Orwell presented in his
novel, "1984" stopped being a threat the day the Soviet Union fell? Think
again. Make no mistake about it, Big Brother is alive and well, but he's
not watching you through your television and he doesn't go by the name of
"Big Brother."

Big Mac on Campus is proud to present an original series entitled, "1984:
Past or Future?" written by BMoC creator, Brian J. Matis. Brian will be
taking a look at how current trends in the computer industry, primarily
total dominance by Microsoft, have some rather Orwellian possibilities.
Part 1: "Redefining Power for the Information Age" has been posted at:


BMoC has also posted a new column by John Kinsella entitled, "iMac, The
Real Power it Holds." You'll find it at:


Thanks for you time, enjoy the articles!

Brian J. Matis
"Big Mac on Campus"


Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 11:53:26 -0800
From: John Halbig <>
Subject: Tidbit - I've Converted To Windows

[WARNING: Some people might be offended by some of these links. No, there
isn't much in the way of nudity or violence, but the language does get a
bit close to vulgar in spots. We are talking about Windows, after all.
- -jh]

This tidbit is from:

Mark and Nancy Sutton, <>

Hey, fellow Windows lovers,

I just wanted to let you know that I have found a love for Windows!


I know what you are thinking, "This guy loves the Mac, how could this
be?" Well, after viewing a few very poignant web pages


I have seen the light. The light of that wonderful taskbar


It is so loaded with features


and such a superior interface


that I could just burst with love


for this wonderful operating system!


Not only is the operating system super keen, but Microsoft makes so many
other fine products, like Internet Explorer


With this I can "surf the net" in comfort and style. If I want to make my
own web page, once again I can turn to Microsoft. They make a program so
easy and fun, a child can use it. It's called FrontPage


You should go buy it right now. That's okay, all of the proceeds for
purchasing Microsoft products go to charity


Some nights I have trouble sleeping


thinking about giving up my Macintosh


I calm myself by the realization that this is the one true path


I know know that I shall never give up Windows


I know that I have made the right choice

Yours truly,

Mark (Windows fanatic <>) Sutton

Digital Guy Sez:

This could be a whole new art form, Mark. And yes, I checked each and
every link, and they are up and running as of 8/11/98. This could change
quickly. :-)


Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 11:53:26 -0800
From: John Halbig <>
Subject: PR - UK Mac Games Retailer

Keyword: Market by market, Games

This announcement is from:


There's a glut of games coming, but it's surprising how many games are
already available for the Mac. Take a peek at <>
(MacGames Ltd) to get an idea. We're a new UK based mail-order business
with 60+ game titles in stock and over 800 games on our (Mac) database
for special order (we only do Mac games). The internet site gives
descriptions of the games and screenshots, and if you're especially keen
there's a mailing list. You can call us on (+44) 1708-701522.

Not enough games for the Mac?? We're going to change that picture :-)


Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 11:53:24 -0800
From: John Halbig <>
Subject: PR - Mac Only Editor That Really Knows Java 1.1

This announcement is from:


GenieWorks would like to announce SpotCheck 1.1. Finally, there is a java
editor with a REAL difference. This is not just about color-coded syntax
and code indentation... this is much more.

SpotCheck is designed to help a Java programmer produce correct code
without relying on confusing and untimely feedback from a compiler.

Specifically, SpotCheck identifies syntax errors and semantic errors
(undefined names, type mismatches, etc.) -- those errors normally
returned by a compiler. This analysis is performed after each edit,
giving the programmer immediate feedback on errors. Now, you only need to
compile to produce executable code.

SpotCheck provides a host of additional features, including:

* smart links to name declarations
* cross-referenced Java APIs
* editing with popup menus
* interfaces to helper apps to compile & run
* hierarchical project browsing
* full support for the Java1.1.x language and APIs
* single command, project imports

For more information, or to download a free, fully-functional demo of
SpotCheck 1.1, visit:



Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 11:53:27 -0800
From: John Halbig <>
Subject: $$ - Special Offer On SuperCard

This special offer is from:

Keith B. Shaw, <>

This offer is only for Evangelist subscribers. IncWell has a limited
stock of Allegiant branded SuperCard 3.0.1 which comes packaged with a
highly acclaimed 3-volume reference set. Until August 21st, Evangelist
subscribers can purchase this package for $59.95 (plus s&h), and receive
the electronic download version of IncWell's SuperCard 3.5 upgrade (due
in September) for FREE!

To find out more about SuperCard and the new upgrade visit:


The order desk is open Monday-Friday 8am-5-pm PST

Domestic orders can call: 1-888-647-8388
International orders: (530) 647-8541

FAX orders: (530) 647-8157 - (call any time)

Please state that you want the Evangelist Special package.

CREDIT CARD ORDERS ONLY. (We cannot accept purchase orders on this
We accept Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and Discover.


Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 11:53:28 -0800
From: John Halbig <>
Subject: Tidbit - Apple Media Arts Great iMac Issue Now On the Internet

Keyword: Advocacy, Reality Distortion from Apple

This tidbit is from:

Phil Russell, <>

I mentioned a great issue of Apple Media Arts, Vol I, No. 2, Summer 1998,
which dealt with the iMac and other topics. I was very enthused about it.

If you did not get one, go here and link to the stories or see them in
PDF format:


This material about the iMac is so good everyone should tell every
Windows friend they know about it. Maybe print it out for potential new
computer buyers.


Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 11:53:29 -0800
From: John Halbig <>
Subject: Job - Mac Technical Support and Assistant (New York, NY)

This job announcement is from:

Ronald Marx, <>

Macintosh Technical Specialist:

Front line technical support and assistant to information services
manager. Great opportunity to learn server and network operations from a
seasoned Mac manager. Applicants must know Mac OS 8.1 cold.
Troubleshooting QuarkXpress and graphics s/w is a plus. Looking for a
strong generalist, organized and neat. Professional attitude is required,
suit and tie are not. Leading design-oriented management firm in New York
City. Nice starting salary plus generous benefits package (medical,
dental, 401K, vacation, holiday, more). Qualified applicants fax resume
to 212 644-6997, ATTN: IS Manager.


End of EvangeList Digest V1 #1263


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