Server Pane

Use the Server Pane to configure the Network and Default Page settings of the web server. Cick on the "Server" icon in the "Web Settings" dialog to display the Server pane.

The Server pane has five settings:


Web Server Master Switch

Turn this checkbox on to start the Web Server, or off to put the Web Server off-line.


Use Open Transport TCP-IP

Turn this on to use the Open Transport networking stack. Turn it off to use the MacTCP networking stack. This selection is disabled on MacTCP only systems. Open Transport is the preferred networking stack.


Server Domain Name

Enter the IP Address, or Domain Name of the computer that TeleFinder is running on. This is necessary to support some Personal Web Site and Plug-In/CGI requests.


Default Page Name

This is the name of the page that TeleFinder looks for when it receives directory requests. The factory default is "homepage.html." Other common choices are "index.html" and "default.html.

The file's type ( .html ) is actually a place holder. TeleFinder searches for the following file types when serving directory requests in this order of priority : ".spml," ".spm," ".html" and ".htm." SPML is the default type of an Active Page.


Server Info/IP Based Multi-homing

This is a list of the threads that will serve HTTP requests. By default there are 5 (five) threads assigned to port 80. This is generally enough to support one browser at a time. Increase the number of threads by multiples of 5 if your site is busy

You can add additional entries, or modify this one to serve on a different port, such as 8080. Using a different port number may be necessary if TeleFinder is not the only web server running on the computer. Only one application may serve from a given TCP-IP port number at a time.

Each entry can have it's own Domain Name, which will be used by TeleFinder's Active Pages and by some Plug-Ins. Most Plug-ins recognize just the main Server Domain Name. Each set can have its own root, and be linked to a specific IP address (requires Open Transport 1.3 or higher).

Turn on the checkboxes for Personal Web Sites, and Check Host Header to support Personal Web Sites and IP Conservative Multi-homing with a thread set.

If you increase the total number of threads number beyond 5, also increase TeleFinder's "Preferred Size" in "Memory Requirements" using the Macintosh Finder's "Info" window. Each thread requires about 125K of RAM for data and buffering space. You must quit, then restart TeleFinder if you change it's memory allocation.