
You can use AppleScript to automate various actions within TeleFinder/User for MacOS. For Chat specific scripting, see the Chat Scripting section.




This event gets a URL and displays it in a new window. TeleFinder handles the "mailto" URL and the NetScape subject CGI parameter (?subject="").



  • URL string - the URL to display.
  • Save to File file specification - this value is not used, the mail window is displayed by TeleFinder.


Connect to Host

Connects to Host using the current settings file. No parameters.


Get Download Directory

Returns the File Spec as an alias of the default download folder.No parameters.


Send File

Send a File to the Host's "Upload" directory. Pass a file specification (alias) as the only parameter in this event.


Add to Outbox

Add a file to a the TeleFinder Outbox.


  • File To Add file specification - A file to add to the outbox
  • UserName string - Name of the destination user