Internet Email

This section describes how to setup Mail Server to provide Internet Email Services including POP3 and SMTP. TeleFinder's Email Servers require an TCP-IP connection, preferably full-time. If your TCP-IP connection is Part-Time, see the section on scheduling SMTP services.

RAM and Hard disk requirements vary with the message traffic load on the server. Be sure that there is sufficient hard disk space to store all the messages being transferred as they are spooled before delivery.

In addition, Mail Server requires an "up-stream" SMTP server to perform Internet Mail routing.This requirement is usually satisfied by your ISPs Mail Server. If necessary, another SMTP server on your network can perform the Internet message routing for mail server.


Using POP3 E-Mail

TeleFinder's Post Office Protocol (POP3) Server supports standard Internet mail clients such as Qualcomm's Eudora and Claris' E-Mailer.

POP3 connections are implemented within TeleFinder Server, not Mail Server, as separate nodes. Like BBS Nodes, POP3 nodes have their own setup and log file. A TeleFinder node can support one protocol or the other, but not both on the same node. 

POP3 nodes only support the Open Transport TCP/IP and MacTCP connection methods. The POP3 protocol can not be used with other connection methods, such as Modem, Serial, or Connection Tool.

A user that is configured to use POP3 should use a POP3 reader to read their e-mail, although if the messages are less than 32K, TeleFinder will allow the user to read the e-mail with TeleFinder/User as a text message.

POP3 clients also require an SMTP server to send outgoing mail to. See the section "Using the SMTP Gateway" for information about how to setup the SMTP server.


Configuring Users for POP3

•Edit the users' settings within the User Manager program. In the "Edit User" window turn ON the "Store Mail for POP3" checkbox.

• Click in the OK button to save the setting. (You can turn this off at any time to return the user to the TeleFinder Mail file format.)


When Mail Server delivers mail to the user it looks at this flag. If it is turned on, it will store mail in the proper POP3 format. Existing mail is not converted and must be retrieved with TeleFinder/User or a terminal program.


Create a POP3 Node

• Create a new TeleFinder Server node. Select "New Node" from TeleFinder Server's File menu.

•Change the Node's Connection method to "MacTCP" or "Open Transport TCP."

• In the TCP settings window set the port to number 110.


The POP3 protocol is conducted on port 110. Connections will fail if this is not set correctly. Click in the OK button to store these settings in the Node's settings file.


• Select the "Node Options" command from the "Node" menu. This opens the Node Options dialog. Click in the "POP3 Server" radio button to tell TeleFinder to supply the POP3 protocol with this node. Set the other options just as you would for a TeleFinder BBS node.

•Click in the OK button to save the options.

• Select the "Start Node" command from the Node menu to bring POP3 online.


TeleFinder Server is now properly configured to deliver mail to users via the POP3 protocol.


POP3 Notes

Tracking and control of POP3 usage by TeleFinder Server is different than that of BBS usage. Here are those differences.

• A POP3 mailbox may only contain POP3 formatted files. Users need to send these people files and mail using the mail form and attachments. They cannot use the "Drop Box" method. Attempts to get the drop box will bring up the "This Drop Box Unavailable" message.

•Users logged into a POP3 server do not appear in the "List of Users Online."

• POP3 logins do not affect, and are not limited by TeleFinder BBS login limits or time limits.

• Statistics are not accumulated in User Manager for POP3 use.

• POP3 usage is not tracked in the "call_stats" or "file_transfer_stats" files.



Using the SMTP Gateway

The SMTP gateway allows TeleFinder to exchange mail with the Internet using the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). Mail Server lets BBS users send mail to the Internet easily by recognizing Internet domain addresses in the "To" field.

For example, a user could send e-mail to and The Internet addresses are entered into the "To" field separated by a comma.

Use of the SMTP Gateway requires a connection to an Internet provider, an assigned domain name, and the Internet address of your provider's mail host that can deliver mail from your site.

If you have not done so, see the section, "Setting the Server Identity" for information on how to configure your domain name that will be used with the SMTP gateway.


Installing the SMTP Gateway

To use SMTP with Mail Server, a gateway must be added to Mail Server. Follow these steps to accomplish this.


• Select the "Gateways" command from the Server menu. This opens the "Gateways" window.

• Click in the "Add" button. This opens the "Gateway Type" window.
• Select "SMTP" from the "Type" pop-up menu. 

• Click in the "OK" button. This opens the "Gateway Edit" window.



• Enter "Internet" into the "Name" text box.

• Turn ON the "Default Gateway" checkbox. This means that all mail not handled by other gateways will be delivered to this gateway. Do not add any domains to the domains list. Adding the BBS domain in this list will cause a mail loop.

• Choose your Internet domain from the "Outgoing Domain" pop-up menu.

• Click in the "Options" button. This opens the "SMTP Options" window.

• Enter the name or IP address of your Internet provider's SMTP Server. This is the address that outgoing e-mail will be delivered to.

• Enter the number of incoming connections that you would like to support. At least three is recommended. If you want more than 3, add an additional 80k for each connection to Mail Server's preferred memory size in the Finder.

• Click in the "Save" button to close the "SMTP Options" window.

• Close the "Gateway Edit" window. Mail Server then adds the new gateway into the gateways list.

• Close the "Gateways" window.


Scheduling SMTP Connections

Mail Server allows periodic tasks to be performed according to a built-in schedule. Schedule items are specified with starting and ending times, and may be scheduled for any day of the week. 

If the TCP/IP connection will not be active 24 hours a day, a schedule item will need to be created for the SMTP gateway. Scheduling prevents the SMTP gateway from attempting to establish connections to the Internet if the connection has not been established.

Start and stop times are in 24 hour format. The 24 hour format begins at midnight (00:00) and ends with eleven fifty-nine PM (23:59). Twelve noon is 12:00. AM hours are 01:00 through 11:00. PM hours are 13:00 through 23:00.

The event can be set to run for specific days of the week, or everyday of the week.

Select "Allow SMTP Connections" from the tasks menu.


Allow SMTP Connections

If the TCP/IP connection will not be active 24 hours a day, a schedule item will need to be created for the SMTP gateway. Scheduling prevents the SMTP gateway from attempting to establish connections to the Internet if the connection has not been established.