Using log

The log command writes specified variables to a pages log file, or to the file specified by the optional "file=" parameter.

The default log file name is the same as the page, but using the ".log" extension. ( ie The log file for homepage.spml is stored in homepage.log ).

The parameter list is simply a space separated list of variable names. The variable names may be enclosed in double quotation marks.

Any of these variables can be logged.


ADDRESS - The clients TCP-IP address.

BYTESSENT - Always 0 for webstat compatibility.

FormFieldName - The contents of any Form Field.

HeaderName - The contents of any Request Header.

LOCATION - The location portion of the page URL.

PATH_ARGS - The contents of the CGI Path Arguments from the request. The Path Arguments is an optional part of a URL that follows the "$".


QUERY_STRING - The "CGI" query string. The query string is an optional part of a URL that follows the "?".

RANDOM - The Random number.

REFERER - The page linked from.

REGISTER_ERR - The error string generated by the #register command.

TIMESTAMP - The date TAB time.

USER_AGENT - The browser name string.

USER_NAME - The name of the user accessing the page. Valid only on pages within a Realm.

UserDefnedVariables - Any User defined variable. See the set command.

"" - Any character string.


TeleFinder can log the environment variables shown, Forms data, Strings, and Request headers. Forms and Header data is available using the case sensitive Header name, or Form field name. Strings are entered by surrounding the text with double quotes.



<!-- #log TIMESTAMP ADDRESS LOCATION REFERER USER_AGENT "Host header follows: " Host -->