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Editing Lasso Format Files in HTML Authoring Programs

Editing Lasso format files in HTML authoring programs can boost productivity. However, be extremely careful editing format files in anything other than a standard text editor such as BBEdit.

Here are some known problems with how leading HTML authoring programs treat Lasso tags. We are working closely with these companies to ensure maximum compatibility with Lasso.

Claris Home Page 1.0

1. [record] and [/record] tags will at times be deleted when they appear within a table.

2. Field tags within a selection list are deleted


<select...> [option: field-name-goes-here] </select>

is changed to...

<select...>  </select>

When using Claris Home Page for editing Lasso format files, one technique to follow is to always go into "Raw HTML" edit mode to insert [record] tags and to save the file. Saving the file while in GUI Edit mode often delivers unpredictable results (deletes tags).

Adobe PageMill 2.0bx

1. Deletes or displaces [record] and [/record] tags that are set within tables.

2. Converts certain tags (especially those within <a href...>) to their escape key equivalents.

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