

The Preferences are shown below. You do not need to enter the 'User name' or 'Password' unless required by your ISP. (Mine does not require this information but work with 'always authenticate' checked and user and password entered). If you do not know try it without, the server will let us know and Lollipop will display the message. If you have TeleFinder's Lollipop gateway set up Lollipop will find the paths, you may modify these if you want (I don't know why you would). If you are in the process of installing Lollipop this should be enough to get you started.

Changing Preferences:

You can run Lollipop offline (that is not connected to your ISP) by holding down the 'option-key' while double-clicking on the Lollipop ICON.

Lollipop Prefs ICON

In addition to the preferences, which is stored in the resource fork, other data is housed there. The data fork hold the name of the news groups on your ISP's news server.

News Server: (required)
Enter the Domain or IP address of your ISP's news server.
Mail Server: (optional)
Enter the Domain or IP address of your ISP's mail server.
email address: (optional)
Enter your email address.
Organization: (optional)

Enter your organization name.

If you ISP requires a 'user name - password' be sent to the news server these preferences may be used. You may experiment with deferent settings to see what works. My ISP's does not require authorization but I have tries it with and without and both work for me.

To control the number of messages downloaded per connection these option are used.

The number set for per group is for overall and may be overridden by the Groups file for selected groups.

The number set for all groups is absolute, no other option overrides this setting.

Above is an example of the full path names to the folder to import/export messages. This option is automatically fill in if Lollipop can find Mail Server and the Lollipop Gateway have been set up. You may override this by selecting the 'set' button.

The 'saving' folder is the import/download folder.

The 'Post' folder is the export/upload folder.

The 'Summary Log only' check button is used control the amount of information listed in the Log file. (see Log File)

The "Truncate Attached File" check button is used to control binary files truncated or being left in message.

(NOTE: This function only works if the file is attached correctly.)


February 15, 1998