---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TeleFinder Chat from Tuesday, October 6, 1998 11 AM PDT. In attendance: From Spider Island: Rusty Tucker Sysops: Bob Nunn, Mikael Fredriksson, Jim Smith, David Rohr, Donald McHose, Andy Daws. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rusty Tucker hola! Bob Nunn : Hey Jim Smith : I have taken it up, that is I now maintain it. Mikael Fredriksson : Hi! Rusty Tucker hey hey Bob Nunn : Good for you. Need some help distributing? Jim Smith : Yes. Rusty Tucker distributing? Bob Nunn : Would be happy to. Will work it into a demo for the local apple group Jim Smith : Address Book. Rusty Tucker oh, cool! I think Chris S. is really fond of that app Rusty Tucker Any feedback on the v5.7 docs? Rusty Tucker It's still a little light on some of the new features in TeleFinder User... Rusty Tucker but mainly concerned with the organization and layout Bob Nunn : Haven't thoroughly read thru all of them yet. Rusty Tucker I need to get a local search engine hooked up to them.... Rusty Tucker might be time to setup phantom, or even E.G.. Bob Nunn : Wish you would put them up as an archive. I know you are changing them. Would be easier to make notes on them. Rusty Tucker right, once I have a full set, I'll make an archive, hopefully soon this week Bob Nunn : I hope you do E.G. or Phantom and a bit of docs on how you set it up. Would be helpful. Rusty Tucker I would like to keep the search local to the docs, not the whole site. Phantom is probably the best way to go. David Rohr joined the chat. Rusty Tucker Welcome to the chat David! David Rohr : sup Rusty Tucker I have not tried either Phantom or E.G. in over a year. Rusty Tucker DR - we're talking about the new TeleFinder HTML based docs ( www.spiderisland.com/docs/ ) Mikael Fredriksson left the chat. Rusty Tucker c-ya Mikael Fredriksson Donald McHose joined the chat. Rusty Tucker Welcome to the chat Donald! Donald McHose left the chat. Rusty Tucker c-ya Donald McHose Donald McHose joined the chat. Rusty Tucker Welcome to the chat Donald! Donald McHose left the chat. Rusty Tucker c-ya Donald McHose Rusty Tucker Also, Jim Smith has picked up Address Book. Mikael Fredriksson joined the chat. Rusty Tucker Welcome to the chat mikael! Rusty Tucker BTW Jim, please upload the most recent version of Lollipop. Rusty Tucker I had a request for it today. Rusty Tucker I lost my copy here when the HD went down. Jim Smith : ok Bob Nunn : Did it just die outright? Or were you testing Norton 4? Rusty Tucker :) Rusty Tucker It died hard. Rusty Tucker Won't spin up Donald McHose joined the chat. Rusty Tucker Welcome to the chat Donald! Bob Nunn : Did ya wack it? Jim Smith : I have NU 4, should I not install, I am using extended format? Rusty Tucker Which reminds me I ordered a retrospect upgrade 2 wks ago, and it has not come yet. Rusty Tucker I wacked it and baked it Bob Nunn : Seagate engineer unofficially suggested it. Works sometimes. Rusty Tucker Yep, wacking works good w/ sticky drives David Rohr : or causes them David Rohr : sorry Bob Nunn : I haven't tried baking, what temp? Rusty Tucker 150 F Rusty Tucker MF has had success with the oven Mikael Fredriksson : around 50-60C for 15-30 min... Bob Nunn : Last resort number 2. Thanks. Makes sense sort of. Probably an old drive that got turned off and hardened up. Mikael Fredriksson : yea it did work here Bob Nunn : I used to freeze my external power supplies. If they worked I knew I had a thermal intermittent. Rusty Tucker Jim, are you developing Address Book further? Andy Daws joined the chat. Rusty Tucker Welcome to the chat Andy! Andy Daws : Hi all Jim Smith : Yes, it was 68k only, have converted to FAT Rusty Tucker AD - b6 will fix the "read-only" problem in TeleFinder User for win. Rusty Tucker cool Andy Daws : Ok Thanks Jim Smith : It had about 8k reg. users. Andy Daws : How about the POP3 stats problem? Rusty Tucker I would think that Address Book might have a good future w/ iMac and the new consumer portable coming up Andy Daws : Sorry butting in there Rusty Tucker Yes, that's actually a documented "feature", but it could be added. Rusty Tucker POP3 usage is not logged in User Managers stats Andy Daws : Why not Andy Daws : Its a valid log in Rusty Tucker because they are "BBS" stats, not POP3. Putting the POP3 usage in there would affect BBS Time Limits... Rusty Tucker Unless you want the BBS time limits to apply to POP3 too? Andy Daws : Yes the time limits should apply to POP3 as well Andy Daws : Under old TF Emails read and sent were logged Andy Daws : Sorry I shouldn't hog the discussion Donald McHose : Developer Q Donald McHose : Speaking on that code stuff..I have a chance for Code Warrior for $145.00 it is suppose to be the latest and greatest. Not a lite version. Is this good? Rusty Tucker I'll be right back! Bob Nunn : I guess he went to check his MacWhse catalog... ;-) Andy Daws : Can't remember how much I paid for mine but it sounds good you don't get manuals Jim Smith : CW is good, do you program? Andy Daws : Or is that including the manuals Donald McHose : Not yet ;-) Donald McHose : Don't know about manuals... Andy Daws : The manuals are usual PDF which are a pain Jim Smith : Manual of in e form, cost $20 each. Bob Nunn : The list is $419.95 Donald McHose : Looks like I should be able to afford the hard copy. Thanx Bob ! I think I'll grab it. Donald McHose : Thanx for the info. I gots to run boss showed up ;-( Donald McHose left the chat. Rusty Tucker c-ya Donald McHose Andy Daws : Goodbye Donald David Rohr : Rusty, is the Skyline BBS still giving you fits? Rusty Tucker just a sec Jim Smith : There are 4 manuals, + 1 for win/nt. Jim Smith : The 1st payment is just and down payment, subscription is $299, I think that for 4 updates. Bob Nunn : Anyone mess with serving PDF forms over the net? Rusty Tucker back Andy Daws : Problem Bob? Bob Nunn : Noticed that PDF forms now can output to CGI. Was going to look at sending output to SPML. Rusty Tucker I haven't' noticed skyline recently DR David Rohr : That BBS has been running with no admin. help for 2 years now. Could be the TF Poster Child Rusty Tucker BN- just tell give PDF the page name instead of the CGI name, that should work Jim Smith left the chat. Rusty Tucker c-ya Jim Smith Bob Nunn : Think it might. Would be a nice feature for our Wang's system. Will let you know. Rusty Tucker :) - every so often I get a call like " the BBS Server crashed, we have no manuals, so we don't know how to install on a new machine" Rusty Tucker Its more common than you might expect. David Rohr : I will have to send my books back, after I take them out of the frame on my wall Rusty Tucker running version 3.x or something Andy Daws : Some idiot put a number of 12 Meg PDF's on our system once not funny Rusty Tucker yeah it is :) Andy Daws : I couldn't figure out why everything was running slow until I got the Paper bill after the printed it out ;-) Rusty Tucker POP3 time limits would be interesting AD, might mess things up too David Rohr : Rusty, any Java hooks into TF on the horizon? Andy Daws : The only problem I can think of is the number of connection what happens after 32k connections for example Rusty Tucker I think it is stored as a long, so you'll get a couple billion connects before it goes neg. Andy Daws : Java can hook into TF by talking to a TF Plug-In is that the sort of thing you require Andy Daws : Should last until I retire then :) Andy Daws : Limits on POP might also help to avoid email abuse David Rohr : Andy, not sure, I want to set up a BBS out here for a church that has a large d-base of PDF files. I want the membership to get files via modem or IP, and TF came to mind, but I have been out of admin. for 2 years. Andy Daws : Back to my Digital Sig problem is it possible to leave headers, body etc. alone if the MIME type is a SIG Bob Nunn left the chat. Rusty Tucker c-ya Bob Nunn Andy Daws : David take a look at Cumulus DataBase my help David Rohr left the chat. Rusty Tucker c-ya David Rohr Rusty Tucker AD - that is going to require significant changes in mail server Andy Daws : Well looks like I've had the usual effect on everyone :) Rusty Tucker the time is up now anyway Andy Daws : OK I tried all the suggestions you made regarding replacing just the Text part with the PC working version Andy Daws : Ok Goodbye everyone Rusty Tucker bye all Andy Daws left the chat. Rusty Tucker c-ya Andy Daws Mikael Fredriksson : bye Mikael Fredriksson left the chat. Rusty Tucker c-ya Mikael Fredriksson ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 7, 1998 -- ©Copyright 1998, Spider Island Software