---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text of TeleFinder Chat from Tuesday, May 5, 1998 11 AM PDT. In attendance: From SpiderIsland: Rusty Tucker Sysops: Jim Smith, Rick Palmer, mikael fredriksson, Bob Nunn, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rusty Tucker : hola! Rusty Tucker : Hi Jim, how's it going? Rusty Tucker : We're getting a nice little rainstorm here today. Jim Smith : ok;-) Rusty Tucker : Welcome to the chat Rick! Rusty Tucker : ok Rick Palmer : she gave me a message id but did a search and didn't get anything Rusty Tucker : sometimes I get blank mail too, usually spam or from a list, later followed up by the full message. Rusty Tucker : I think the mailer gets busy and times out after starting a message. Rick Palmer : I'm not hearing about it from anyone else Rick Palmer : she is one of my volunteer night techs so I take her a little more seriously Rusty Tucker : yep, need to see those headers. Bob Nunn joined the chat. Rusty Tucker : Welcome to the chat Bob! Rusty Tucker : I'm back from a bout with the Stomach Flu. Got some bad El Nino aid virus going around out here. Rusty Tucker : And even more rain today! Rusty Tucker : er, not aid virus, AIDED virus, whew! Rusty Tucker : :) Rusty Tucker : Still tracking a bug or 2 in 5.7.... Rusty Tucker : "Garbled" postings ( you can see a sample in tfnet.announce ). This probably affects email, and may be related to the new quoting stuff in the client. Rusty Tucker : Also the "missing icons" at logon, which is apparently not new, but may be more frequent in 5.7. Bob Nunn : Try it again, Hey! Rusty Tucker : Seems to occur most often after a new user registers. Rusty Tucker : But happens other times as well Rusty Tucker : Finally, the issue of "bad transfers". But that seems to be going away as the older betas get out of circulation. Rusty Tucker : I've got a 32 bit windows client "running", but not ready for beta too. Rusty Tucker : all in all, its looking pretty good. Rusty Tucker : anything new out there? Bob Nunn : Ask the Borg Rusty Tucker : just got an empty message myself Rusty Tucker : according to mail server, it was a normal delivery. Rusty Tucker : I'll watch to see if Netcom tries to resend it. Rusty Tucker : got all your icons? mikael fredriksson : RT: I tested the TeleFinder 5.7b8 client with Allegro 8.2a4c1 and the color starts to get back on some of the small icons in conference and file sections (by name or date) Rusty Tucker : Good, I'm sure they'll get it fixed as allegro get closer to Beta Rusty Tucker : Have you tried any TCP throughput or connections per second tests on it? mikael fredriksson : its in their bug database mikael fredriksson : I only use it on my home computer will do some transfer tests Bob Nunn left the chat. Rusty Tucker : c-ya Bob Nunn Rusty Tucker : well guys, I think it's time to break up this wild party ! :) mikael fredriksson : any new betas on the way? Rusty Tucker : If I find a fix for any of the outstanding issues, I'll post it. mikael fredriksson : :) Rusty Tucker : see you all Friday! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 5, 1998 -- ©Copyright 1998, Spider Island Software