---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text of TeleFinder Chat from Tuesday, November 18, 1997 11 AM PST. In attendance: From Spider Island: Rusty Tucker, Sysops: Bob Nunn, Bob Wright, Ken Sutherland, Jonathan Paisley, Kevin Shearon, Daniel Raguse, mikael fredriksson, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Nunn: Hey Rusty! Rusty Tucker: Hi! Bob Wright: greetings Bob Wright: I only have a couple of minutes Bob Nunn: Finally installed B7 but still haven't figured out how the alias thing works. Hey Bob! Rusty Tucker: Hi Bob ! Bob Wright: I have been trying to get BIAP chat to work, but it is not working for me. Any quick tips? Rusty Tucker: When you set a path "OK for aliases" it won't show up on the desktop Bob Nunn: You have a telnet port open.. It uses port 23 Bob Nunn: It will not work with a telnet port active. Rusty Tucker: But - it will let users access files in that area if there is an alias pointing to a file there. Bob Wright: is the telnet answer for me? Bob Nunn: Yes. BIAP CHAT uses port 23 Rusty Tucker: Hi Ken Ken Sutherland: morning Bob Wright: Bob N: ok, tell a dummy here how to access it....telnet to my system? Rusty Tucker: BTW- server B8 will be online today. it supports "wildcard" file searching ( * ) Bob Nunn: NOPE you must not have any port 23's open. It will then work and you just address it. Rusty Tucker: BN u mean close all TF Nodes on Port 23 so that the BIAP chat can use it? Bob Wright: Bob N: all I know is I dropped the file into my web area, put a html tag like the instructions said, and it does not work. I don't have any port 23's open that I know of. Bob Nunn: Did you open the source in resedit and change it? Bob Wright: Bob N: nope, sure did not...and did not see that in the instructions. Did I miss something? Bob Nunn: Wait am looking Bob Wright: Well, I hate to run without having answers, but I have an online chat here for the school system I have to get to. How about someone emailing me an answer for BIAP chat at rwright@pps.k12.va.us Bob Wright: See you guys later. I might try and get back by 12:00 your time Bob Wright: bye Bob Nunn: Open in resedit and putting your address in the text file Bob Nunn: Wildcards on a Mac? Jonathan Paisley: . Rusty Tucker: Yep both mac and win Rusty Tucker: In the mac client you'll select the "matches" option in the find window Rusty Tucker: The win client is always in the wildcard mode Rusty Tucker: You'll be able to make searches like *.exe or *qtr* and so on Rusty Tucker: This server also supports the MIME mapping by mac file type Ken Sutherland: what does it take for these web based info sites to publish press releases, i sent details to all the popular ones but not 1 has released details, must be because were not from USA Jonathan Paisley: :))) Bob Nunn: Will it use a config files for MIME Mapping? Rusty Tucker: And it has a change in POST handling so that Web-Crossing's CGI will work with TF Jonathan Paisley: can u explain that change more explicitly? Rusty Tucker: www_mims.config Rusty Tucker: will support recs like Rusty Tucker: mmap .JPG image/jpeg JPEG Bob Nunn: Will you have the basics preset up or will we need to build it? Rusty Tucker: where JPEG adds a Type to the image/jpeg MIME Rusty Tucker: I've added TEXT, GIFf and JPEG Bob Nunn: The reason I ask is that it is difficult for me to find how to set up some of the more obscure ones. like mod files etc. that I have on my system. Rusty Tucker: mod files? Rusty Tucker: WebX uses a POST command, but does not send any data in the message body for some of its OPs Bob Nunn: Music files. Sound Trecker plays them. Mostly originally authored on the Amiga there are Mac and Windoze programs for that format now. Rusty Tucker: TF was kicking those out as an error Rusty Tucker: BN, u mean u don't know what MIME is supposed to be used? Bob Nunn: Sort of. I have internet config now and have learned to use it, but how to translate to the format you are using? That is my problem. Rusty Tucker: o i c Rusty Tucker: TF's MIME records are like this Rusty Tucker: they all must start with mmap Rusty Tucker: then Rusty Tucker: the file extension ( like .txt ) Rusty Tucker: Rusty Tucker: then the MIME type string Rusty Tucker: then optionally Mac File type ( like TEXT ) Rusty Tucker: or CR to start the next record Rusty Tucker: so what's the mime for .mod files? Bob Nunn: Looking. Bob Nunn: application/octet-stream Rusty Tucker: the put this in www_mimes.config: Rusty Tucker: mmap .MOD application/octet-stream Rusty Tucker: separate each field with a TAB character Bob Nunn: So file type and creator are not important in this instance? Rusty Tucker: Hi Daniel! Daniel Raguse: Greetings Rusty Tucker: no, TF's preferred matching is by file extension Rusty Tucker: if there is not a match by extension Rusty Tucker: TF will re-scan the list to try and find a match by TYPE Rusty Tucker: what's the mac file type for mod files? Bob Nunn: Gotcha. So if there are variations in the endings like .tif or .tiff I should map both? Strk Rusty Tucker: yep Rusty Tucker: that's a MUST do Bob Nunn: So if I were to go through and set up all those config type others might find it useful? Rusty Tucker: :) I'd guess so! Bob Nunn: I will see what I can do this weekend. I may have more types than most since I still have old Commie 64 and Amiga files available. Rusty Tucker: especially since using IC really slow's down looking up MIMEs Ken Sutherland: how many of you use 336 modems and get tf reporting connections above 288 Bob Nunn: I do on a regular basis talking from Supra to Supra. Bob Nunn: Don't do as well talking to el cheapo and USRs though Kevin Shearon: Question about TF User and users who have 56 K modems....Do they use the 28.8 setting and modify it so the baud rate is 57.6 K? Bob Nunn: Or greater if their system will support it. Kevin Shearon: But the configuration for the 28.8 and 56 K modems are the same other than the baud rate? Rusty Tucker: That should usually work Rusty Tucker: Unless the modem manufacturer has changed their command set significantly Kevin Shearon: any plans for a new modem setup file for 56k modems/ Rusty Tucker: I add them as requested, or as people report a setting that works Rusty Tucker: so far not much of that has occurred. Bob Nunn: Really wouldn't make any difference unless they server had the digital setup for the 56k modems would it? Kevin Shearon: I have TF 5.6b4 and don't see any 56K modems in the Modem setup window Kevin Shearon: I guess USR Sportster is the main one Rusty Tucker: I'd guess the Sportster will work using the 288 setup w/o changes Kevin Shearon: without changing the baud rate? Rusty Tucker: if someone confirms that I'll add it to the list Rusty Tucker: br should be 57.6 or > Kevin Shearon: ok fine K-Rusty Bob Nunn: Unless the Server running is set up with the digital lines to take advantage of the additional speed it won't matter. You should always run the highest port speed you can. If you can run your 28.8 or 33.6k at 119,2 without any problems then you probably should, right Rusty? Rusty Tucker: yep Rusty Tucker: brb Kevin Shearon: ADSL service is now being offered in the Ottawa area here Bob Nunn: Is it affordable? Kevin Shearon: this is what they claim: can reach speeds of 2.2MB per second Kevin Shearon: for downloading and 1.1MB per second when uploading Kevin Shearon: why the difference? Kevin Shearon: cost is about $200/month Rusty Tucker: there is a total of 3.3 mbs per second Rusty Tucker: its just how you want to split it up Bob Nunn: What do you think they would charge additional for a dedicated IP address? Rusty Tucker: just like the 58.6 k modems Rusty Tucker: 56 DL, 33K UL Kevin Shearon: there is also a special on now 12 month subscription price of $65/month Bob Nunn: Bell South is putting in my ISDN today. Should have my server on it by this weekend. It's only 64k but with the compression of the ASCEND boxes they say the transfer rates are respectable. Rusty Tucker: the compression will help page xfrs, but not too much on images Bob Nunn: No more FreePPP! Probably that and the how flaky modem connects are, are my biggest problems. Bob Nunn: Still haven't figured out a way to pay for OAT. Wire transfer looks like double dip. Ken Sutherland: gime gime gime Bob Nunn: Sure would be nice if you could take a VISA Ken Sutherland: bank is a pain in the rear Rusty Tucker: KS - u might be able to find a service to take the cards for you Ken Sutherland: as explained they want 9% just to handle transaction Bob Nunn: My wife called and talked to the bank their company uses. Looks like about 12% to wire you the money. They charge on both ends so it ends up being outrageous. Ken Sutherland: international check Kevin Shearon: Any idea where we could sell the ISDN Pipeline 50 router? Rusty Tucker: its better than $15 or $25 that a wire costs Ken Sutherland: what is it Rusty Tucker: the visa fees are cheaper than wire fees, Rusty Tucker: what about Kagi? how does there deal work? Ken Sutherland: hmm, may need to rethink Rusty Tucker: plus wires and international checks are a BIG hassle for the buyer.. Rusty Tucker: Kagi runs a site where they can buy and DL at the same time Rusty Tucker: lots of shareware goes thru there Bob Nunn: Yep the wire thing would work but the buyer would have to specify that they want to pay the charges on both ends or you get stuck with half of it. Ken Sutherland: i have nearly 50 sysops on eval./beta keys, time to crawl to the bank again Rusty Tucker: So, does 2.01 rock? :) Ken Sutherland: now you don't have any reason not to run it 8-) Ken Sutherland: PPC is still in beta but 68k is only a bit slower Bob Nunn: I will install it this weekend. Have been running the last version with no problems all the way up to now. Ken Sutherland: i missed the reply to my 336 modem question when my mac crashed, what was the response Bob Nunn: I run Supra's Ken and I frequently get 31 to 33 connects on mine here local. Ken Sutherland: but does tf server log say 31 or 33, mine says unknown Bob Nunn: Some of the bargain 33/6k don't seem to connect as well. I don't know about the log I watch the digital readouts on my modems. mikael fredriksson: Sorry I m late got out of our board meeting at work Bob Nunn: There are days though that the best I can get is 26k. If its rainy etc. Ken Sutherland: hmm Bob Nunn: When you get outside the metro area here you won't likely connect as well. Depends on how dirty the line are evidently. Ken Sutherland: Rusty, do you have a voice number for Kagi Rusty Tucker: no, try www.Kagi.com Ken Sutherland: am there now Ken Sutherland: looks like Kagi might be answer Bob Nunn: If they could clump your fund transfers together they should be able to run the points down. Ken Sutherland: but they take about 10% Bob Nunn: Might be worth it to eliminate the problem of getting you paid. You may have to build part of that in your product costs. Bob Nunn: One thing I learned in business. Always make it easy for the customer to buy. Price is secondary to that. That's why quick stops still sell groceries. Ken Sutherland: i tell you, if i could buy a voodoo doll of my nice friendly banker i wood Ken Sutherland: true Ken Sutherland: will consider Bob Nunn: Bankers, and Finance guys are still only slightly above Lawyers. Ken Sutherland: time to go, catch u later Ken Sutherland: just Ken Sutherland: night Bob Nunn: Gnite. Rusty new version this Friday? Bob Nunn: mikael, Rusty was telling us he will have Mac wildcard searches in the next server version and has improved the mime handling. mikael fredriksson: :-) Bob Nunn: :) Gotta run though back to work :( Bob Nunn: See ya next Friday. ------------------------------------------------------------------ November 18, 1997 -- ©Copyright 1997, Spider Island Software