---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text of TeleFinder Chat from Friday, October 21, 1997 11 AM PDT. In attendance: Hosting for Spider Island: mikael fredriksson Sysops: Michael Davidson, Donald McHose, Daniel Parker, Bill Gram-Reefer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Davidson: Hi Mikael! mikael fredriksson: Hi! Michael Davidson: Hey, are you the one that batch processed thumbnails in PhotoShop? mikael fredriksson: yes Michael Davidson: Did you use Applescripting to do it? mikael fredriksson: I made miniature versions of JPEGs Michael Davidson: Oh, so you didn't do thumbnails? mikael fredriksson: Its built in to Photoshop 4 record what you want it to do and then run it in batch mode Michael Davidson: Hello Daniel. Daniel Parker: Hi+ Daniel Parker: When is northern hemisphere daylight saving? Michael Davidson: I don't know if you know it or not Daniel, but Rusty won't be here today, he's out of town at a Tech seminar. Daniel Parker: That's O.K, I canÍt say long anyway Michael Davidson: It ends soon Daniel, but I'm not sure which day, soon in Oct. mikael fredriksson: daylight saving will end on Sunday mikael fredriksson: in Europe Michael Davidson: So you record an applescript session in Photo, or does Photo have its own macro making record Daniel Parker: Yay, in more readily Daniel Parker: I've got to go, bye Michael Davidson: And, could you save with thumbnails in Photo in batch mode? (I'm not much of a PhotoHead) Michael Davidson: bye Daniel mikael fredriksson: You can record almost everything that you normally can do in Photoshop and then play it in batch mode Michael Davidson: ok Michael Davidson: That only for Photo 4, or does 3 allow the same kind of recording? mikael fredriksson: Only Photoshop 4 mikael fredriksson: Do you use the email plugin from Highlander? Michael Davidson: One more ?, what are the types Photo lets you save in, I know they are limited (PEG, PICT???) Michael Davidson: No sorry Mikael, I don't mikael fredriksson: Lets take look ;-) Michael Davidson: Still having problems with it? Michael Davidson: Hi Donald! Donald McHose: Hi ya'll did I miss to much ? Michael Davidson: Rusty won't be here today, he's at a Tech conference. mikael fredriksson: No ;-) Michael Davidson: No Donald, not much. I bet you and mikael might want to discuss the mail plugin Donald McHose: So I read , hope the best Donald McHose: Now that would be a subject for sure;-) Michael Davidson: Too bad Jonathan ain't here!!!! mikael fredriksson: The 0.9b3 has expired I think Michael Davidson: Sounds like he needs to spruce up his documentation for the plug-in! Donald McHose: My latest endeavor is to be able to mail or reply.I sent J a note on the HD map Donald McHose: He said the Pi does not except colons ? Michael Davidson: So, I suppose there is another way to set paths??? OR.... Michael Davidson: must you put things in exactly the correct path or no-go? mikael fredriksson: My copy refuse to work now and the one on Spider island web server do the same thing now Donald McHose: My thought, too.I did a path from Hard drive: all the way to mail and still get a mail server not what ever.. Donald McHose: but still UM puts colons in the path way Donald McHose: That's just beautiful ;-( Michael Davidson: yes UM does, so how is it that the plug-in doesn't use them??? mikael fredriksson: I think that you have to wait for a new beta (or he can put the expiration date in your pw) Michael Davidson: Mikael, are you saying that the latest version has expired and there is no version yet to replace it? Donald McHose: I'll have to how JP does it I sent him my path asking him to fix it since I must be using Microsoft logic. Michael Davidson: Is Bob Nunn's working still or has it shut down too? Donald McHose: He's updating a new version any day now I think mikael fredriksson: There is a 30 day test period but I started to use mine 9/27 and it has expired (as the one here on SI) Donald McHose: Bob was up last night. mikael fredriksson: There is a 30 day test period but I started to use mine 9/27 and it has expired (as the one here on SI) Michael Davidson: hmmm....wish Jon was here Donald McHose: Expire from day of reg. ? Michael Davidson: Donald, hope your's doesn't expire before you get it working :) Donald McHose: Thanx me too...I have faith that I'll have it up any day now Michael Davidson: hey, do you need the path set not just to mail but to mail:mail server??? Michael Davidson: mikael, can you give Donald the path you have set for the plugin? Michael Davidson: maybe he can figure it out from that mikael fredriksson: I found that you have full paths to all your mailboxes to get it to work Donald McHose: I tried that or I thought I had path is Hard Drive:...mail Michael Davidson: so you must set all the paths to each user, not just to the Mail folder? mikael fredriksson: In User Manager like MSDN:TeleFinder(tm) Server:User Manager €:Mail: Donald McHose: Yeah I did this on all accounts mikael fredriksson: Yes! Michael Davidson: He should fix that; his program should find the folder in the Mail folder and not require each user to be set. Michael Davidson: Then have you set up the Access Group properly Donald? Donald McHose: Good question Michael Davidson: That makes sense, if I understand what isn't working for you. mikael fredriksson: Yes, i think Rusty did write here on what system call he should use in a sysop chat mikael fredriksson: Did you setup the Realms for admin? Donald McHose: I'll do a look see later Michael Davidson: Have you given the selected users access to the plug in gateway (if such a thing needs to be set like for other gateways) Donald McHose: Yeah SIUM works like a charm Michael Davidson: hmmm....what's left...is it the Realms thing? mikael fredriksson: mine is Realm name: admin Match String: pi_admin Acces Groups: Sysop Donald McHose: NO ... I do not think it is in the realm...probably more like my path string as ya'll have stated.The realm works Donald McHose: A user can log on...read mail..but not answer Donald McHose: using the web that is Michael Davidson: maybe mess up the realm thing and see if you get the same error as you do know; that might narrow down where the problem is Michael Davidson: Then maybe the path to Mail Server mail folder is messed up since that is probably where their mail should be headed to first Michael Davidson: that know should be now above mikael fredriksson: This is my Path to Web Pages Home Directory: MSDN:TeleFinder(tm) Server:Web Space: Michael Davidson: mikael, does outgoing mail from the plug in go first to the Mail Server mail folder or is there a plug in Gateway that it goes into the Export folder of mikael fredriksson: Do you have the full path there in the TF server? mikael fredriksson: I think it has to go thru Mail Server and its mail folder Donald McHose: As far as I know I do .I set a full mail path for each user mikael fredriksson: yes Donald McHose: I do not remember that it goes to mail server though,just to mail Michael Davidson: Do you have a plug-in gateway folder in the Mail Server €:Gateway Spool: folder? mikael fredriksson: But do you have the full path in TF server to where your Web folder is? mikael fredriksson: No Michael Davidson: So, my guess is, and I don't use plug in, but that outgoing mail goes to the Mail:Mail Server folder first, and Mail Server sends it Michael Davidson: Do you know if the above is true? Bill Gram-Reefer: sorry I'm late mikael fredriksson: Hi Bill! Donald McHose: I suspect I do( path to web serv.) since I serve web well :-)....... Donald McHose: Hi Bill.. Bill Gram-Reefer: hello all Michael Davidson: Hi Bill. Rusty won't be here today, he's at a Tech conference Bill Gram-Reefer: i know. some newspaper conf Donald McHose: BRB mikael fredriksson: I think that the Plugin need full paths to all mailboxes AND to the Web Space (User Manager and Node Server) mikael fredriksson: + the realms thing Bill Gram-Reefer: ? Michael Davidson: What about to the Mail Server gateway mail folder mikael fredriksson: That too.. Donald McHose: Bill:Talking about Jonathan's mail Plug-in and my not able to configure it correctly Bill Gram-Reefer: which plugin is being theorized about? Michael Davidson: That is the Mail Server folder in the Mail folder, which is the Mail Server Gateway folder, which probably handles the outgoing mail Bill Gram-Reefer: OK, thanks Donald McHose: That is my impression Michael Davidson: Since, I assume, the Mail Server folder handles the outgoing mail, and Don is having trouble there, I think he should reexamine his path to the Mail:Mail Server folder for errors Donald McHose: MD:I do that thanx. Michael Davidson: Is there a settings for the plug-in to say where outgoing mail should go? mikael fredriksson: Yes that all "users" have the full path to "Mail Location" in User Manager mikael fredriksson: no mikael fredriksson: You only enter name and password and your set to go mikael fredriksson: On the reg page Michael Davidson: So mikael, have you ever seen a spool file (a location of a spool file) for outgoing mail when you use the plug in mikael fredriksson: No Donald McHose: MF:yep-n-that works like a charm..also about that shared address book? Michael Davidson: :( Donald McHose: MY address book entries are shared by all users trying the Web- mail:pi Michael Davidson: Donald, does it stop you from sending or replying; or does it allow it but never send? Donald McHose: Bill: Still writing for a living? Donald McHose: I get a mail server does not resolve..J feels it is a mail path thing...we'll see Bill Gram-Reefer: Don make your nasty self available for an Instant Message Donald McHose: Oops der Kids have arrived and I gots ta run , thanx for all your help.Hope chat logger gets all this.bye Michael Davidson: bye Donald, I got to run too. Bye all. ------------------------------------------------------------------ October 25, 1997 -- ©Copyright 1997, Spider Island Software