BBS Common Courtesies I feel that I wouldn't be doing my job as a sysop without providing at least some basic information as to what is expected of you as a BBS user.... Always fill out an application complete. The system operator will call and confirm your information before adding you to the system. If you are just visiting, most systems will let you skip the application part, but not always. Leave off a phone number and you lose access! Always read the system rules. Review the bulletins and other information screens regularly. The system operator puts these up for your benefit. Always upload when you download. You should always have several good selections prepared before starting a session. Not all systems require you to upload so follow rules. On the Headgap BBS you should upload at a rate of 3 to 1. For every 3 programs you take you should try to send 1 new program up, or more if you have them. Never Chat the sysop more than once during a session. These people usually have 100's of users on their systems and if everyone chatted them each visit it would drive them crazy. If they don't answer they may be busy or otherwise occupied so don't keep hitting the chat key. Leave feedback instead. Never call back to back. Most systems limit the amount of calls per day. This prevents someone from HOGGING the system. You should give other users an opportunity to use the system. Do not leave e-mail to yourself or decide to leave mail to each member of the system. Anything that public should be posted in a public area. The system has only so much space for mail. Also leave mail only to people who frequent the system. Many BBS members may only call once every 30-45 days. Remember that most all BBS programs keep track of your activities while visiting the system. If you want to keep your access remember the main BBS rule, and that is - He who owns the BBS rules. It is usually their equipment and at their expense, act accordingly, you are a guest.