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From: Wintermute
To: Vincent Hong
Subject: Re: VMUGM Meeting
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:07 PM

<<<I'd like to urge all VMUGM members members to attend, since SilverNet is going down we need to discuss alternative BBSs to meet. I think the headgap would be a good new home for VMUGM, but I realize that some people using Silvernet don't use the Headgap very often.>>>

I should be able to make it to a meeting on that day as well...although I may not be able to make it that early (we generally round in the morning until 10, so it'd be at least an hour after that before I'd be able to show up).

I agree that this is certainly the place to move VMUGM. This is a stable, reliable board. Very rarely ever goes down. Uses a Mac-based interface. Has 2 36.6 lines. Has an internet connection and a few newsgroups. Has huge hard drives for files! What more could you ask for? I don't understand at all why more mac users don't call here. Weird.



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