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From: Jim DeHaven
To: Chris Silverberg
Subject: Re: text
Date:Fri, February 27, 1998 09:25 PM

<<So the time that I spend improving the old text editor delays time that I can spend on more important aspects of TeleFinder, including the next text engine.>>

Nope--work on the new one--my posting was made with the assumption/concern that nothing was being done to address this issue. Since the client is a place where a lot of people from their first impressions about SI, it seemed to me to be an important issue to address

<<That's rediculous. The TextEdit library routines are built into the Mac. You have to do a lot of coding to use it, unless you just want a window without styles, scroll bars, edit menu support, drag & drop, undo, or resizing.>>

Le mot jus as usual--not ridiculous at all--a training program for "text" which I think later became known as textedit (or was it tiny edit? I'll have to check my old disks for this--actually I am curious if it still runs) was the example program included with the a very early, if not the original version of Inside Macintosh--the one that came in the 2 large binders. It has all that stuff in it and I am well aware of the difference between the textedit toolbox routines and a text editor program. The example I spoke of is a text editor program--it is not microsoft word but it was an example which exercised many of the features of the mac toolbox for people who were beginning to write for the mac at that time.

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