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From: Daniel O'Leary <Daniel_O'Leary@
To: Rusty Tucker
Subject: Re: reply quote. fantastic!!
Date:Sat, March 14, 1998 12:12 PM

Adding an option to specify the MessageClosing.txt file will only fix part of the problem.
The other part of the problem is that each user of the local system has over-ride the previous users login and password settings. This problem could be fixed by having one copy of TF/User and choosing the settings file to launch, but it would only work if the location of users mailboxes, incoming topics folders, downloaded files locations, and other preferences such as last read msgs are retained in the settings file on the client side.

By the way, there is a weird formatting problem in quote... Take a look at your response to me below in this message and compare it with your response in the message being quoted. An extra line has been introduced...

On 3/12/98 8:14 AM, Rusty Tucker wrote:

>On 3/12/98 6:42 AM, Daniel O'Leary wrote:
>>The change in handling of settings files is now causing me some grief,
>>because I have multiple copies of the client online, with different
>>MessageClosing.txt files for use by each member of my family. Now, each
>>copy uses the last used settings file, that may or may not be correct
>>depending upon which was last used. Can an option be added to limit
>>this behavior?
>Seems like you'd be better off if a different sig file could be
>specified in each settings file?
>Rusty Tucker
>Spider Island

Kelley O'Leary, KloneZone Mac - A TeleFinder 5.5 Mac/Windows BBS
532 Verna Trail South, Fort Forth TX USA 76108 (817)367-2558 (Voice)
(817)367-2712 (Dial-in) Kelley_O'Leary@1:130/1015 (Fido) Kelley_O' (TFNet)
Kelley_O' (Internet)'Leary (WWW)


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