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From: Bob Nunn <Bob_Nunn@spiderisland
To: Rusty Tucker
Subject: Re: mac classic
Date:Wed, September 23, 1998 12:13 PM

On 9/22/98 8:48 PM, Rusty Tucker wrote:

>3.2 is the last version I know of that runs on a Plus with System 6.
>Version 4.0 should run on 68ks w System 7. 5.x and on need an '030 or

I have version 3.26 up in my Telefinder Tools area and it works with the system 6 compact macs. One discouraging note however is that it will not allow the user to send mail to anyone who is not on the system. It accepts Bob_Nunn but will not accept names of users who are not in your system. It does work though and allows file transfers, conference access and mail to any system user in a graphical interface. For those needing internet mail access with an old system like that, they are stuck using Zterm.

On my web page: I have an older version up (5.1) that I recommend for users on low capacity Mac like the old LC's, SI's, CX's, CI's, etc. It works well for those and has less memory requirements and still allows all the major features.

I think I have version 4 up as well but had lockup problems with the few compact macs with system 7 that I tried it on. You may have better luck.

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