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From: Steve Messimer <Steve_Messimer@
To: Daniel O'Leary
Subject: Re: address book problems
Date:Fri, February 19, 1999 12:21 PM

On 2/18/99 5:43 PM, Daniel O'Leary wrote:

>I just tried adding, deleting and changing with TF/user for Mac version
>5.7.2 on an 8100/80 with 152 MB RAM and it worked ok.
>Perhaps there is a problem with a specific client version, client CPU
>configuration, large numbers of entries in the book or when the
>additions are attempted. I did my tests while I was connected, and only
>have a few entries in it.
>On 02/18/1999 1:04 PM, Steve Messimer wrote:
>>Several of my users are having problems adding new addresses to their
>>address books. Anyone else having this problem.
>Daniel O'Leary, Admin/WebMaster
>KloneZone Mac - A TeleFinder 5.7 Mac/Windows BBS
Hi Dan,

I am using tf version 5.7. I have allocated the application 5 MB of RAM. The address books in question are quite large probably in excess of 200 entries. To your knowledge is there a limit on the size of an address book? The file itself is only 13K in size.

I have tried adding more addresses to this file today and it is acting squirrely.
after a point you can't make any changes in the file can't even delete or change entries. This file is just a text file right?

This address book is probably very old. We have been using TeleFInder for years. What we have done is to move our address books everytime we upgrade. Could this be a problem?

Thanks for your comments



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