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From: Jim DeHaven <Jim_DeHaven@spider
To: rusty
Subject: 5.7
Date:Sat, November 21, 1998 05:34 AM

Rusty--first thanks for posting the revised (7.5.1). I can once again register people.

I however encountered some other problems--all of them seeming to have arisen with the latest (release) version of 5.7

The most important is that WIN clients have a problem with text files. The files are uploaded (most of the time) but they cannot be read by double clicking on them from within the BBS client. This is true for mac and windows clients and is true for windows clkients at least as far back as 3.1. The files **can** be read using a web browser however. Instead of appearing as text on the screen, the request the user to download them (the "receive" dialog box appears.(this behavior occursa with 5.7 and 5.7.1). Text files uploaded from a mac behave normally.

Once again, just as in the case of the #FIELDS problem, the server does not display the same problem as mine does(maybe you should upgrade :-))

I also had a problem with broken gifs in some of my spml pages--I can't reproduce this now that I have installed 5.7.1--did you change other things in this upgrade?

It still appears to be impossible to #echo the REGISTER_ERR variable. I don't know if this is my problem--will <<!-- #echo var="REGISTER_ERR"-->> work? I have tried this and several other permutations (the syntax for the #echo command seems to be ambiguous) in any case I can't seem to echo that particular variable.


Running TeleFinder Server v5.7.
© Copyright Spider Island Software