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From: Jim DeHaven <Jim_DeHaven@spider
To: Rusty Tucker
Subject: Re: 5.7
Date:Thu, December 10, 1998 05:35 AM

Yes thank you--I am downloading it--I have noticed that file transfers seem much faster via a web browser from SI than via the BBS client (factor of 4 roughly--any idea why this is

If you are improving windows client--bringing more into parity with mac, let me ask for 2 things which I think would be very helpful

1--that you be able to log chats (or, barring that, copy text from chat window--actually both would be nice--it's very useful for example to be able to copu text from chat window to refresh the memory of someone whose question you are answering but who stated it much earlier in a chat, and our teachers and students are always asking me how to post logs of their chats.

2--that windows client be able to move files between desktop icons as in the mac

On 12/9/98 1:41 PM, Rusty Tucker wrote:

>On 12/08/98 10:32 PM, Jim DeHaven wrote:
>>Yes--In still don't understand exactly what has been
>>happening--the data all seem to contradict each other--but
>>the "show extensions" thing seems to clear everything up
>It's now fixed in 4.1b1.
>Rusty Tucker
>Spider Island Software

Rusty Tucker
Spider Island


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