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From: Rusty Tucker <Rusty_Tucker@spid
To: Jim DeHaven
Subject: Re: bullets
Date:Mon, December 28, 1998 03:02 PM

On 12/27/98 10:09 PM, Jim DeHaven wrote:

>Once again I ask that we not have to go into resedit to do this--it
>should be a simple matter to offer this option as a menu item, password
>protected to permit only the sysop to enter, perhaps with the resedit
>method as a backup for those who forget their password.

If it was a simple menu item, of what use would the bullets be to the sysops that have asked for them?

Many systems have User Manager in an insecure location, not by desire, but of necessity. Let's not argue this point!

The bullets prevent casual busybodies from seeing user passwords.

As a Sysop, you have no need to know user passwords. If someone asks you what their pasword is, you simple give them a new one off the top of your head. Then let them know that they should change their password the next time they go online.

You guys really, really need to get weened off of seeing user passwords. It is not necessary, and it presents a security problem for the users of your systems.


Rusty Tucker
Spider Island


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