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From: Andy Daws <Andy_Daws@spiderisla
To: Rick Palmer
Subject: Re: Stop press - 2
Date:Tue, April 13, 1999 12:12 PM

>Can I make a suggestion. Dump the NT box and use a unix box or stick
>SIMS on a mac. NT is irradic and frankly subject to failures of just
>the sort your talking about with no rythme or reason. Windoz people
>give this one a shrug and a blink.

This is unfair all platforms have there problems I run an NT machine running a virus and content screening program basically because there is no equivalent on the Mac that will scan for Macintosh and PC virus the machine generally runs for months without crashing. Also TF is currently incapable of handling Digitally Signed messages as it appears to re-write the headers which appears to break the rules I'm sure this will only be tempory as Digital Signitures take off more and more. As with most computer platforms most problems are with drivers or extensions sometimes old sometimes badly written.

To be a bit pro Mac the Mac has an excellent BIOS so programmers will use it rather than peek and poke around in the memory which can obviously cause problems if I/O devices etc start moving in memory.


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