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From: Warren McCowage <Warren_McCowag
To: ALL, and "Help Desk"
Subject: Memory fragmentation and 'leaka
Date:Thu, February 25, 1999 03:04 PM

> I updated my immaculate LC575 from 4meg to 36 meg RAM, and from OS7.1
>to OS7.6.1, and added a new 56K modem ( green, and looked like a 'wave'),
>specifically made for Macs.
> The modem cable was faulty (all connectors 'dry-soldered') and when
>I moved it, it shorted out and crashed the system. (I returned the
> Since then I have had an intermittant memory problem, in that the
>machine keeps displaying "DISK FULL' messages. I've tried going back to
>OS7.1, 7.5.3, 7.5.5, and currently have installed OS8.
> The message from 'About This Macintosh" (under the apple) is sometimes correct, and
>displays something like..." have 36 meg of memory..
> ..system uses 8 meg
> have 28 meg remaining".
> BUT, it more often displays an erroneous message
"...You have 36 meg,
> system uses 31 meg,largest unused block 5meg", and no program will open.

>Mac dealers want $100 to test the ram, and $230 to replace it
> However, the concensus of opinion is that if the "About this
>Macintosh" says the 36 meg are intact, then they are. Things HAVE been
>better with constant use of "Disk First Aid" and especially "File
>Buddy", if they are used at EVERY reboot.

> The latest version of the MacBible devotes a chapter to memory
>fragmentation, (and is very critical of Open Transport in general and "FreePPP" in particular).

> Unfortunately, the primary purpose of the machine was to have been for

> One confusing aspect is that the "MEMORY' screen in "Control
>Panels" does NOT agree with the "About this Macintosh" screen, and
>recently has denied me use of Virtual Memory as there is allegedly so
>little actual Ram left.
> Any advice re new configurations or remedial systems would be
>greatly appreciated. ( I did replace the battery after the crash)
Yours Sincerely,
Warren McCowage
02 95573945


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