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From: Daniel O'Leary <Daniel_O'Leary@
To: headgap <>
Subject: Re: proxy server problems
Date:Sat, January 06, 2001 04:09 AM

DAMNED NT Proxy Server is probably to blame here.

As far as I know, Telefinder does not support operation using a proxy server. (there is no place to enter the proxy's address or ports!!!!)

I think that port 1474 needs to be open for both TCIP and UDP, but I am not sure of this.
I would suggest trying an alternate, lower-numbered port such as that used for Telnet (23) and see if that works. Too bad we can't get source and fix this crap.

On 12/30/2000 06:35 PM, headgap wrote:

>I am having some difficulties with the Telefinder Client software and am
>hoping you can help. We currently have 28 remote locations, and use the
>Telefinder software to connect to an e-mail and BBS server at a central
>location. However, some of the remote locations have an NT Proxy server in
>place for use as a firewall and Internet filtering. In these locations, I
>cannot get the Telefinder software to connect to our central server.
>We are using TCP/IP connections rather than dialups in all locations. I have
>opened port 1474 on the Proxy servers (both Winsock and SOCKS Proxy) but to
>no avail. I believe some of the problem stems from the fact that we are
>using internal IP addresses (10. numbers) and are trying to reach a server
>using a registered address (a 208. address). I have not been able to find
>anything on the Telefinder Client software that will allow me to point it to
>the NT Proxy server.
>Is there something special I need to set up on the Proxy server to allow the
>Telefinder software to go through? Or, is there a setting on the software
>that will point Telefinder to the Proxy? I'm sure I'm not the only person
>who has run into this problem. FYI, we are using both Mac and Windows
>clients... neither works. Any information you can give me would be greatly
>appreciated. Thanks for your help.

Daniel O'Leary, Admin/WebMaster KloneZone - A TeleFinder 5.7 BBS   
Voice=> 817-367-2558 Dial-In=> 817-367-2712 Fidonet=> 1130/1015
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