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From: Ted Brindle <Ted_Brindle@spider
To: Rusty Tucker, brindlet@brindlet
Subject: Re: Default Gateway Glitch
Date:Mon, August 17, 1998 08:52 PM

I made no changes to my email gateway, but I am now having problems with it. Here is an entry in the log.
8/17/98 8:05:01 PM (SMTP Client2) Send: HELO
8/17/98 8:05:01 PM (SMTP Client2) Send: MAIL FROM Ted Brindle <>
8/17/98 8:05:02 PM (SMTP Client2) Send: RCTP TO
8/17/98 8:05:03 PM (SMTP Client2) 551 <>... illegal relay
8/17/98 8:05:03 PM (SMTP Client2) Recipient rejected
8/17/98 8:05:03 PM () Write msg to
8/17/98 8:05:03 PM (SMTP Client2) Closing connection should arrive in my TF mailbox. It gets kicked back to me in my main account on our district wide server.

The changes that did occur. I moved all of my software, BBS files, topics and webspace to a 9650/350. The mail plugin had a bear of a time accepting the password that Ken gave me. I had to enter it 3 times before it took. I set up a gateway to accept USENET from the system that I run at home.

On 8/17/98 11:06 AM, Rusty Tucker wrote:

>On 8/17/98 8:20 AM, Ron Beloin wrote:
>>About a week ago I started receiving reports that out-going mail wasn't
>>arriving at its destination. Since I haven't changed any of the MS
>>settings for months (and the mail just disappeared instead of
>:), thge settings rarely change themselves... anyway - if the mail
>"disappeared, but not bounced", it means that it is either still on your
>system, or still on the system of the TF system you're routing to.
>>I assumed the problem was with the STMP server we forward through.
>>Today I (finally) noticed that MS was "sending" the mail out through a
>>TF gateway. Since the STMP gateway was still marked as the default, I
>>deleted that TF gateway.
>SMTP -should- be default. That means that mail not handled by some
>other gateway will be handled by the SMTP gateway, this is what you
>> MS then started writing to a different, but
>>still not the default, gateway.
>That would be because it has a "domain" listed that matches up with the
>messages "to" address.
>> I've only got mail forwarding correctly
>>now by deleting all of my gateways except for STMP and Lollipop. Has
>>anyone else had this kind of glitch with MS5.6? My other gateways were
>>more conveniences than necessities and I don't want to add them back in
>>if this is likely to happen again!
>What kind of convenience?
>Rusty Tucker
>Spider Island


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