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From: Rusty Tucker <Rusty_Tucker@spid
To: ron beloin
Subject: Re: Default Gateway Glitch
Date:Tue, August 18, 1998 12:14 PM

On 8/17/98 12:44 PM, ron beloin wrote:

>>That would be because it has a "domain" listed that matches up with the
>messages "to" address.
>If I'm understanding this correctly, that might have started it, but
>can't be the
>cause of the continuing problem (my users mail all over and my own test
>were in
>fact addressed to the domain that the STMP gateway is set for). Is it
>possible that
>once another gateway was used it failed to return to the default?

No, but you do need to restart mail server for the changes to take effect.

Here's how the routing works:

Mail Server imports a piece of mail.

It looks through the list of gateways, searching each gateways list of domains for a domain that exacltly matches the domain in the messages to address.

If it does not find a match, it scans the list of gateways again until it finds a default gateway, and then delivers the message there.

So taking Ted's log snippet as an example:

He logs into the server as brindlet and sends email to from, since the return domain is, that seems to be the local domain of the server.

Since Mail Server routes this message through the default gateway (SMTP) we should assume that is not in Mail Server's "Server Identity's" Local Domains list. Hopefully Ted will confirm this for us.

Finally, in Ted's example the message is bounce back for an illegal relay. He needs to talk to the admin of his districts server to understand that, maybe his machine is both and, or maybe his machine is on the districts "spam" list :).

Ron, if you don't mind, please post your mail server.config file. I'll be able to dissect it so that we can all better understand how this works.

Rusty Tucker
Spider Island


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