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From: Daniel O'Leary
Subject: Mail Server UNRELIABLE import
Date:Tue, August 15, 2000 09:16 PM

WOW... My message was TRUNCATED!!!! Look at what was supposed to be in it.

(begin message copied from KZ message area)
I caught Mail Server in the act this time. Below is a copy of a FidoNet Export file. Notice that the addressee line is MISSING THE "To:" IDENTIFIER!!! The lines with astricks denot the beginning and ending of the file, so you can see exactly what is there. The second message has the "To:" identifier. I do not know if all this whitespace (two blank lines) which appears at the beginning of the file is normal or correct for the MK gateway. I'll bet it is NOT because of the single line separating the first message fromthe seconf message.


C J Settles
Forum: APPLE
From: Daniel O'Leary/FidoNet
Sent At: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 00:37:38 -0500
Subject: Re: RamCharger

Hello CJ:

i do not know the answer to this, but I would be willing to bet that the battery that was supposed to power the memory in the RamFactor has failed due to age, even though the RamCharger was trying to charging it.

On 08/11/2000 10:04 PM, C.J._Settles wrote:

>I use a 1 meg RamFactor as RAM disk and a AE RamCharger to keep data
>alive. Tonight I had a power outage due to an electrical storm. The
>power was off for maybe 10 minutes or less. When I powered up my ol' 2e
>the data was gone.
>I thought the Ramcharger should have enough capacity to keep the memory
>alive for more than 8-10 minutes. Anyone have any notion as to how long
>the Ramcharger should be able to keep a 1meg Ramfactor up?
>TIA for your replies.

Daniel O'Leary, Admin/WebMaster KloneZone - A TeleFinder 5.7 BBS   
Voice=> 817-367-2558 Dial-In=> 817-367-2517 Fidonet=> 1:130/1015
TFNet=> Internet=> WWW=>

To: Brian Tipling
From: Daniel O'Leary/FidoNet
Sent At: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 00:34:02 -0500
Subject: Re: Still no connection


The "somthing in my feeds" is that MACSYSOP is NOT on the Zone 1 Backbone (Z1B), even though it is on the worl-wide backbone (WWB) and the North American Backbone (NAB). It is therefore blanked out to those hubs that get their feeds from hubs using the "Z1B" echo status. I have posted a test message the MACSYSOP echo at least once per week from my system, and to date have seen no responses nor any other traffic in it. The link from my system to my hub is in place, so that is not the problem.

I have been trying to rectify this problem for months, and I may be closer now than at any time in the past.

On 07/23/2000 10:55 AM, Brian_Tipling mumbled:

> MACSYSOP is now full of new messages from various places... I have seen
>no posts from you there yet, and if you're not receiving anything, then
>something in your feed needs some serious fixing...
Daniel O'Leary, Admin/WebMaster KloneZone - A TeleFinder 5.7 BBS   
Voice=> 817-367-2558 Dial-In=> 817-367-2517 Fidonet=> 1:130/1015
TFNet=> Internet=> WWW=>

*** End file ***
Daniel O'Leary, Admin/WebMaster KloneZone - A TeleFinder 5.7 BBS   
Voice=> 817-367-2558 Dial-In=> 817-367-2517 Fidonet=> 1:130/1015
TFNet=> Internet=> WWW=>
(End message copied from KZ message area)

Daniel O'Leary, Admin/WebMaster KloneZone - A TeleFinder 5.7 BBS   
Voice=> 817-367-2558 Dial-In=> 817-367-2517 Fidonet=> 1:130/1015
TFNet=> Internet=> WWW=>


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