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From: Daniel O'Leary <Daniel_O'Leary@
To: All
Subject: Unreliable Mail Server
Date:Wed, January 30, 2002 03:02 PM

TF Mail Server 5.7 is totally worthless for Fidonet. To prove this perform the following steps:

1. Create one or more message areas to be included in the topic set for a Fidonet gateway, such as fido-test
2. Create a MacKennel Gateway within the Mail Server setup per the documentation, with the following changes:
a. The Domain should be Fido-test, rather than FidoNet if you actually have MacKennel (to keep the real export file from containing the traffic caused by the steps below), but MacKennel is not needed to illustrate the probelm.
b. Create a Fido-test.set which includes the topics created in step 1.
3. Save the revisded Mail Server configuration.
4. Post a series of messages in the topic(s) you created.
5. Connect to your BBS and Send a series of e-mails addressed to a fictious user at Some_User@1:2/, and Other_User1:2/
6. Commaned Mail Server to "Send outgoing mail" and "Send Outgoing News"
7. Open the "Fido-Test.export" file created in the "Gateway Spool "folder within the Mail Server folder, with a text editor.

What you will see:

1. The To: line will be DELETED from the first message you posted to the topics.
2. The only mail seen will be a grunged version of the last message sent. The others are GONE!!!!

I have repeated this with a freshly unpacked copy of Mail Server from the 5.7.3 server distribution. I knew about the topic problem but was unaware of the mail problem.
Daniel O'Leary, Admin/WebMaster KloneZone - A TeleFinder 5.7 BBS
Voice=> 817-367-2558 Dial-In=> 817-367-2517 Fidonet=> 1:130/1015
TFNet=> Internet=> WWW=>


Running TeleFinder Server v5.7.
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