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From: Daniel O'Leary <Daniel_O'Leary@
To: Rusty Tucker
Subject: Suzie - URLEncoded user homepag
Date:Fri, February 27, 1998 08:56 PM


Please add a routine to properly URLencode the user names and paths in the listing of user homepages that Suzie produces. This will fix a lot of problems I have found with spiders, and verified with tests using the BigBrother program on my site.

An additional routine that auto-creates a default webspace folder complete with user's name in the right places, according to a sysop-customizable template folder would be cool too. The files in the template folder may denote the users name in the HTML/SPML as $USER_NAME or something like that. I suppose that default PUB folder contents could be auto-created in the same way.

Both of the new routines should use the flags in User Manager to see if a user has webspace privs - if not, then the folders and homepage files don't get created, and the name does not go in the homepage listing.
Daniel O'Leary, Sysop KloneZone Mac - A TeleFinder 5.6 BBS * TFDEV Network Hub
532 Verna Trail North, Fort Forth TX USA 76108 Voice=> (817)367-2558
Dial-In=> (817)367-2712 Fido=> 1:130/1015 TFNet=>
Inet=> www=>


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