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From: Daniel O'Leary <Daniel_O'Leary@
To: Rusty Tucker
Subject: Suzie - URLEncoded user homepag
Date:Fri, February 27, 1998 08:56 PM

<An additional routine that auto-creates a default webspace folder complete with user's name in the right places, according to a sysop-customizable template folder would be cool too. The files in the template folder may denote the users name in the HTML/SPML as $USER_NAME or something like that. I suppose that default PUB folder contents could be auto-created in the same way.>

Could you expain this in more detail? I'm missing something. Doesn;'t User Manager already autocreate the web space folder?

The webspace folder is created, but nothing is put in it. I would like to place a starter homepage in the folder that is pre-customized with the user's name in the all the right spots, as denoted by a variable in the template source file.. The homepage template file should be created/changed by the sysop, so that site-customizations can be a part of the page.

< properly URLencode the user names and paths in the listing of user homepages that Suzie produces>

Suzie is not a top priority right now. So this will be on the back burner. Maybe there is someone out there that would like to pick up the "Suzie" ball?

I'll volunteer!!! I've requested the Suzie Sourcecode from Chris, so I can try to do this. He responded that he'd send it to me but as yet I have not received it. (I hope it is in C or C++!!) In this way, I would like to be able to contribute more than just my ideas and feedback directly to TeleFinder development. (though I am more of a unix programmer than a mac programmer.) Ken has convinced me to pop for the "lite" version of Codewarrior, and my understanding wife will prolly allow for the purchase of a new serer so I can relegate my existing one to code development.

I would like to tackle development of a JAVA-based web-chat plugin that would allow:

1. HTTP to/from BBS users on TF connections
2. BBS-BBS Chat rooms
3. Status of inter-connected TF BBS:

Users online listed by Chat Room.
Users connected but not chatting etc.

I just got the lastest JDK from Apple and have JAVA source for a web-chat client. What I do not have is complete documentation on how to work with the TF Chat.
My attempts to protoype this using Applescript do not work. I understand that Frontier can be and has been used, but I do not understand enough Frontier to be able to do this, and feel that I could get the job done quicker if I have to learn fewer programming environments.

Daniel O'Leary, Sysop KloneZone Mac - A TeleFinder 5.6 BBS * TFDEV Network Hub
532 Verna Trail North, Fort Forth TX USA 76108 Voice=> (817)367-2558
Dial-In=> (817)367-2712 Fido=> 1:130/1015 TFNet=>
Inet=> www=>


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