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From: Bob Nunn <Bob_Nunn@spiderisland
To: Rusty
Subject: Wish List
Date:Fri, February 27, 1998 08:57 PM

Probably the most immediate wishes I have for TF are fairly complex. The two most requested features I get are for mail forwarding for both the Mac and Windoze clients, and spell checking. I would think there would be resources (codewise) in the public domain. I know that a bbs program I ran years ago had those features and I don't think the author had too many problems adding them. It even had a user dictionary feature. I realize though that if it was easy we would already have those features. It probably is my top request.

The other thing I was thinking about was how much I like the Filemaker Pro for serving database info via the web. Is there a way to make a plug in that would integrate TF features like SPML and realms into Filemaker? I know right now I use my TF front end to serve information from FM and that works okay but would their be benefits from further integration? I am not sure there would be enough demand but something like that well integrated might be a killer app.

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