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From: Rusty Tucker <Rusty_Tucker@spid
To: Jim DeHaven
Subject: Re: surprise?
Date:Tue, September 08, 1998 12:14 PM

On 9/7/98 1:07 PM, Jim DeHaven wrote:

>Another surprise--maybe yes maybe no--I don't know--seems as though
>version 4 pf tfuser for windows supports the new chat rooms but version
>3.1 does not. However version 4 does not run on WIN3.1 machines--is this
>true--is this still another "new feature" that I have to "deal with"? If
>it is true then anyone who uses

I posted something about moving to "32 bit" only some time ago, and it did not seem as if there was enough 16 bitters out there to worry about.

The current version ( 3.1 ) is the 16 bit solution, for now and the future. I don't have enough resources to maintain both versions of the software, and move things forward as well.

Based on tech support calls, less than 5% of the users are running Win 3.1. The rest are running Win 95, NT and 98 ( in that order ), and that's where the future devlopment efforts will go.

It's not like TeleFinder is the only 32 bit only software out there, it was more like TeleFinder ( 3.1 ) was the only 16 bit software out there.

Rusty Tucker
Spider Island


Running TeleFinder Server v5.7.
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