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From: Joe Neufeld
To: Aula Dei
Subject: RE-Modem Diagnostics
Date:Fri, February 27, 1998 08:49 PM

«Modem Shop v 1.0.0 is here and i just tried it. Thanks.I think it is a SETTINGS INSPECTOR/EXPORTER, not really a full featured diagmostics for modems.»

LetŒs see if I can clear the air about Modem Shop.

Modem Shop was designed with sysops and their users in mind. Often times, users try and connect to a board and, for one reason or another, fail. This could be due to any number of reasons, some of which are beyond a sysop's and user's control (a poor line connection, bad weather interference, proximity to large magnetic fields). Usually, it is due to an improper settings file which causes either the user's or the BBS's modem to disconnect or emit file transfer errors. By eliminating the possibility of a bad file setting, the sysop and user can either solve the problem, or come closer to figuring out a possible solution. Modem Shop was designed with this goal in mind. It queries the connected modem and builds an optimal init string which it can export to a settings file for various telecommunications software such as Telefinder. Modem Shop can automatically export a recommended settings file with one-click and no prior telecommunications knowledge, or, for those with some technical knowledge, the software offers a detailed viewing of your modem's innards which you can cutomize to your liking.

Modem Shop is still in a developmental stage and has numerous shortcommings:
€ works only with Hayes compatible modems that strictly adhere to the Hayes AT command set;
€ has been tested by the author on only a handful of modems and Macintoshes (whatever I could beg, borrow, or steal).

It was probably a mistake to make this software freeware because I get such little feedback. I'm sure there are many folks who use it, and if it doesn't work or displays some kind of bug, they just throw it out and that's the end of that. Contrary to popular belief, those who write software don't necessarily have the ability to read minds (unless I'm the only one). If a piece of software isn't working right, you need to let the author know (if you want something done about it). On the other hand, if a piece of software works well, it would be a nice gesture to let the author know, in addition to any bug reports (a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down).

Many thanks to those who have already expressed interest, and have shared comments, feedback, suggestions and praise with me.
The Public Network
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