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From: Rod Paine <Rod_Paine@spiderisla
To: All
Subject: ModemSURFR 56k Quirk
Date:Fri, April 10, 1998 12:12 PM

Motorola ModemSURFR 56k Quirk

We've noted a quirk while using the ModemSURFR 56k (firmware v1.009 and 1.12) with both OT/PPP and TF User, that you should be aware of.

If OT/PPP is used first to make a connection to an ISP and then TF User is used to make a direct-dial connection to a TF BBS, the connection to the TF BBS may be negotiated at 19.2k by the user, even though the TF Server says it has a user connected at 33.6kbps. We've been trying to figure-out why some ModemSURFR callers were getting such low transfer rates, when we discovered (while at a client site) that the ModemSURFR was actually connecting at 19.2kbps.

It appears that the default ModemSURFR CCL's floating around are the cause, due to the simple use of the "AT&F" reset string when an OT/PPP call is terminated. If the caller hangs up and calls back the TF BBS, a 33.6kbps (or a higher DCE rate than 19.2k) connection is established.

We've modified the CCL to include the same reset string as the initialization string and this has corrected the problem for our TF BBS callers, using OT/PPP and TF User.

If you have ModemSURFR users who are complaining about poor file transfer speed, but your TF Server log shows they were connecting at 28.8k or higher, you may want to have your caller try this CCL. Please note that this CCL is for a Power Mac only, as it locks the DTE at 230.4kbps.



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