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From: Ted Brindle <Ted_Brindle@spider
To: Daniel O'Leary
Subject: Re: Disconnect
Date:Sat, March 28, 1998 08:55 PM

Thanks for the help Daniel. I knew I could count on you for a few good answers. I have Eudora checking for mail now. I figured that one out just before I called in to SI.

I will be buying OAT when my tax return gets back. I ordered HDS Mail for our school district and am just waiting for the key, Kagi notified me that it is completed on their end. I emailed Ken to see if I could get it by Sunday, but no luck yet.

I can't get a better deal than my current ISP. They donated the line to me in a deal similar to what you received. I wonder how long it will last. I suppose indefinitely as long as what I am providing is worthwhile to them.

My password is not working on your system. Are you trying to teach me a lesson or something or did your system go haywire? Is it possible that you are having the troubles that I am with TF Server constantly disconnecting User Manager? Rusty are you reading this? I have not seen any similar reports so I assumed my difficulties are connected to my tcp-ip connection problem.

On 3/28/98 5:45 PM, Daniel O'Leary wrote:

>I thought that your system was on an ISP with a direct connection???
>If not, then you should do a couple of things:
> 1. Get your ISP to change your setup so that you do not have a
> If he cannot do this, find one that can.
> 2. Make sure that your PPP client is not set to disconnect after a
>certain time.
> 3. You can use Eudora to periodically check your mail (or mail
>server) to keep
> the line busy.
> 4. You can use a program like What Route to ping the ISPs hosts.
> 5. You can buy OAT <== Recommended solution, for a lot of
>On 3/28/98 2:58 PM, Ted Brindle wrote:
>>I keep losing my line due to inactivity. What method can I use to keep
>>my line active and the BBS on the Internet? I know about OAT, but I do
>>not think I can afford it at this time.
>Daniel O'Leary, Sysop KloneZone Mac - A TeleFinder 5.6 BBS * TFDEV
>Network Hub
>532 Verna Trail North, Fort Forth TX USA 76108 Voice=> (817)367-2558
>Dial-In=> (817)367-2712 Fido=> 1:130/1015 TFNet=>
>Inet=> www=>
Ted Brindle, Sysop, GRPS Web Designer
GRAMUG BBS - A TeleFinder 5.5 Mac/Windows BBS
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