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From: headgap
Subject: Respond! - multitasking?
Date:Wed, August 05, 1998 11:12 AM

I installed Respond last night on my server to see if it worked. Respond! is a control panel that brings a limited form of preemptive multitasking to the Macintosh right now. It supposedly will allow your system to continue to serve while you have menu's pulled down etc. It is mentioned in Rusty's /fatw/ page. It apparently works okay and caused no noticeable problems and appears to work as advertised.

I was considering the $10 shareware fee since the nag screen would prevent a server from resetting but when Lollipop started up it apparently took some of its priority away and it failed to run unless I manually retried on each of the groups. There are adjustable settings that may overcome this problem.

I was hoping a few more of you would try this to see if it functioned positively on your systems. RT has a link to download it off his /fatw/ page.

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