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From: Daniel O'Leary <Daniel_O'Leary@
To: Ted Brindle
Subject: Re: Newsgroups with Lollipop
Date:Mon, August 10, 1998 05:31 AM


Here is a solution that worked for me.

1. Create an Applescript to open Lollipop with the correct Lollipop Groups file.
2. Create an event in Mail Server Schedule to execute the Applescript at the appointed time.

I would have given you an example from my own system, but I lost all of that during my latest HD failure.

On 08/09/1998 06:12 AM, Ted Brindle wrote:

>I just started using Lollipop yesterday. I have set up 15 groups and was
>able to get the messages to download and post to correct areas in my
>Telefinder conference setup. I also created a schedule for news to be
>picked up 3 times a day; however, when Lollipop launches it does not
>automatically open the lollipop groups file. How do I correct this? I'd
>also like to not have a schedule or a continuous connection so that when
>a message is received in a newsgroup that it automatically gets sent to
>the BBS. Is this possible?

Daniel O'Leary, Sysop
KloneZone Mac - A TeleFinder 5.7 Mac/Windows BBS
532 Verna Trail North, Fort Forth TX USA 76108 (817)367-2558 (Voice)
(817)367-2712 (Dial-in) 1:130/1015 (Fido) (TFNet) (Internet) (WWW)


Running TeleFinder Server v5.7.
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