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From: Bob Nunn <Bob_Nunn@spiderisland
To: All
Subject: eCommerce & TF
Date:Tue, March 23, 1999 08:55 PM

I just put a file up in the Sysop Utilities/SPML/ folder named TFeCommerce.sea. Don't get real excited this is not real fancy. This is a very simple example of an e-Commerce site using the power of TeleFinder's SPML. There is only 4 products but there could be many. The key elements of this site are the order form and the mailargs.spml form.

To test this out you drop the TFeCommerce folder into your web space folder. You would modify the email address in the form.spml from to a valid address that you can check. Once done you should then log into:

Try out the order form and see how it formats the information. The key here is the mailargs.spml form as it does the work of repeating the fields and user input and manufactures the email response.

You can view this demo on my site at:

Unfortunately unless your mail address is you won't be able to see the reply from placing an order.

This type of set up will work straight up for many business to business type sites. Most of them already have their customers set up with credit etc. This should be easy to modify to include an outbound link to a secure server set up to handle your charge card transactions. There are more and more of these service providers willing and able to help you get our web business started and if all they handle is the transaction then your expenses will be minimal. Good luck on your site. Drop me a line if I can help.

Bob Nunn - President, Operator Headgap Systems
President, AppleCore of Memphis, Inc.

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