The contents of /applecore/Meeting%20Files/October_Meeting/ at 09/21/24 08:13:54

name size modified
ipnetrouter-15c3.sit 520 Kb Oct 18, 1999 11:35 AM
IPNetRouter - is the simple low cost way to share your cable modem, ADSL, or dial-up internet connection with your entire LAN. With IPNetRouter, you can use multiple IP interfaces at the same time (such as Ethernet and OT/PPP for example), and specify additional routes for communicating with more than one IP gateway. IPNetRouter is a complete solution including a built-in DHCP Server, NAT with inbound port mapping, and IP filtering to setup your own firewall. IPNetRouter's OT native design offers superior performance with greatly reduced cost and complexity.
Steven Saves the Mac 5 Kb Oct 14, 1999 09:35 AM
