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To: All
Subject: Bibliography / Referencing Soft
Date:Sat, July 05, 2008 10:48 PM

Hello All

I want to write notes and comments while reading each book and article
on a research topic. In each of the notes files, I will want to
highlight 4 or 5 passages relevant to a sub-topic. For example, on
reading a book about Politics in Pakistan, I may want to highlight a
paragraph of three or four sentences which relate to the sub-topic
'Bhutto's Education'. (I might label that sub-topic BHUTED if a short
keyword is preferable.) But my of notes also contains several other
passages on different sub-topics - eg Pakistani Elections, Nuclear
Weapons, etc. Each of these need to be highlighted, tagged in some
way, for future recall. And there will be further instances of
'Bhutto's Education' scattered through my notes on other books and
articles which I have studied. How can I recall all the passages of
notes tagged 'Bhutto's Education' into one new file, with the
bibliographic information given for each of the different passages. In
other words I don't want a list of all the files in which 'Bhutto's
Education' is referenced, but a new, single file which shows the
relevant passages and the file in which they first appear.

Many thanks for any suggestions you may have!


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