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From: Wintermute
To: Vincent Hong
Subject: Re: Death of PowerPC News
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:07 PM

<<<I think Copland better be one heck of a system, especially in the area of stability. Some PC users brought up a valid point about Macs, they crash a-lot. I though this was ridiculous at first, but then realized that my Mac crashes about once a day.>>>

I'm beginning to think everybody's right: it's going to be too little too late. There isn't even going to be a MacOS for PPCRP until March of 97. How on earth are they going to release MacOS8 in mid '97 if they can't even make the slight changes required to make the MacOS 7.5.3 run on these machines? Heck, from all the problems you hear about 7.5.3, it appears that Apple can't even get the system right for THEIR OWN machines, much less something halfway standard. MacOS 8 will be lucky to ever get released. Or at least a REAL OS 8. They may make the interface changes (who cares about that? who cares about a stupid search engine? Big deal. These are my two LOWEST priority items and neither will keep the Mac alive) of OS 8 part of 7.5.x and CALL it MacOS 8, but apparently they keep dropping more and more of the advanced features that WILL keep the Mac OS ahead of Windows...and these are the features we want!

Apple has completely solidified their status as stupidest company in the universe. I don't see how they are still viable (although I'm pretty sure they won't STAY viable for much longer).



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