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From: Wintermute
To: headgap
Subject: Re: VMUGM Meeting August 24th!
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:07 PM

<<<Well Vince it looks like me and you so far. I do have a couple of people I work with who will show up as well. Who else do you think might come??>>>

I'll try to make it, but I don't know if it's going to be possible. I have to go in on the weekends and we generally don't get done until 11:00 or later. By the time I'd get home and get over to your place, it'd be after 12:00 and most of the people would be gone anyway. Oh well. Maybe I'll be able to make it to a meeting next month (I'm on an easier rotation during which I believe I even get weekends off! Wow!) That's the thing that SUCKS the most about medicine: after you get into medical school, you do not have ANY time to consider your own. You always feel guilty b/c you should be doing something else. Stinks.

Oh yeah, Mike Wottle and Bill Garrett both came to the meeting when we had it at my house, but I don't think either one of these guys calls here very often (I don't know why, it's a great BBS, even if it's not FirstClass...and SilverNet's dead now anyway, so they'll have to move somewhere new eventually!)

The nice thing about BBSes is that they offer much better "local flavor" than the internet. The net's great. But when you want some really personal opinions on verious things from people you feel like you "know", there isn't anybody on the net that can provide this kind of information, because everyone is too generic (and hateful most of the time...OneNet was bad, but you get your A** flamed off if you post a message that has been asked even once before in the last 6 months on the newsgroups! Either that or nobody replies at all (for fear of drawing the same retribution)).



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