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From: Wintermute
To: headgap
Subject: Re: New Macs Shipping?
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 11:59 AM

These new macs look nice. There isn't a whole lot new with the mid-range, but steady progress is nothing to be scoffed at. I'm not sure what the prices are REALLY going to be like on the new 7300 models, since I've heard wildly varying reports, but if they're closer to the lower-end than higher, I think they'll definitely be winners.

The new tower units are also quite nice. Although I'm sure this case design adds a good $200 or more to the price of the machine, most of the grapically-oriented mac users out there will likely be willing to pay for the added ease of use (and they look cool too!). I hope they keep selling machines with this case when they start releasing machines with 70+ Mhz bus-speeds (which better be soon or we'll be left behind again). The 233 Mhz 9600 is a surprise! Hopefully these mentions of "thermal issue recall" are overstated and Apple will be able to get machines out in bulk ASAP.

The last thing Apple needs right now is the press to haul into them comparing this to the whole 5300 fiasco and use it as just another evidence that the Mac is dead. Not to mention that they'll probably sell a million of the high-end machines if they just have them available.



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