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From: Wintermute
To: Vince
Subject: Re: reply
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:00 PM

Vincent Hong wrote:
<<<I heard the computers coming out in November will include the Orient
Express (the first PPCP machine) and a 7600 style PPCP machine as well.

I'm not sure when the LERP will be out, but I heard that UMAX (Company
which makes SuperMac) will have a cheap Mac coming out this summer. It is
suppose to cost $1500 use a 150 Mhz 603ev and include a monitor. Almost
makes me want to wait and get this machine, but I think I'll just get a
7200 right now and hopefully I can upgrade it to a PPCP machine later this


Well, I read a review of the new 5400 LC today on MacWeek's site. I may be wrong, but I think this system's motherboard is basically the foundation of the LERP spec that Apple will be liscencing to clone makers to make cheap mac compatibles. Here're the highlights:

120Mhz 603e processor
64 bit datapath THROUGHOUT the motherboard
40Mhz system bus!
1.6Gig HD
Digital Video-In
1 7" PCI slot (standard except it only takes 7" cards, which many are anyway)

This is a siginificant system! The key things to remember is that a lot of people complained about the performance of the 5200/6200 and 5300/6300 machines' speed problems. Much of that was due to the fact that those systems were based on the old Quadra 630 motherboard design, which was ONLY 32-bit, and SLOW. Apple says this motherboard will be around a while because it's fully capable of holding the 603ev's at up to 240Mhz (can you imagine a 240Mhz low end machine?). The MacBench results (attached, along with a pic of the 5400 itself), show it's as fast as a 7200/120, when both are outfitted with a 256K L2 cache. That's darn fast, if you ask me. The 603e really takes advantage of the 64-bit datapath. Since the 5400 doesn't come with a cache, you'll have to add sells 'em for $100...and it's worth it b/c it gives a 37% speed increase!. Actually, the results they posted are better than those for my 7500/100 across the board (bummer).



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