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From: in2macz
To: Wintermute
Subject: Re: Windows 95 story
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:01 PM

>>>I think this PC was pretty well setup. I'm sure any of us could do better if it were our own machine...but who knows. I might eventually get one of those PC compatibility cards (if they come down in price) just to get W95 and be proficient in it's use. That way when people say I'm biased towards the mac and don't know anything about W95, I can look at 'em and say I can handle W95 better than most net-admin's.


My wife got a PC card for her 7200 or 7500 at FedEx. She say sit is real easy to switch between applications. I have to go see it this week : ) She also is networked with ethernet in the office and just installed a modem for her machine to send faxes out to her customer's and fellow FedEx employee's. She has a really nice set up and it keeps getting better all the time. <bg>



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